
Diego S. Garrocho

was told that he had won the David Gistau Prize for Journalism, which is delivered by Unidad Editorial and Vocento and sponsored by

Fundación ACS, Mapfre, Santander and Telefónica

, for his

Letter to a postmodern youth

, published in

El Español

, he was assaulted first the surprise for being "an outsider" in the profession and then "gratitude" after his denunciation of "the current postmodernist tendency that seeks to deactivate the intellectual weapons of criticism."

What intellectual weapons have we deactivated? The very tradition that aspired to build values ​​and an idea of ​​truth that could govern our lives. For some time, philosophy and other cultural activities have insisted on the destruction or controlled blasting of many handholds that made our lives livable with no substitute for it. We teachers were very reckless when we decided to throw into the biographies of the youngest ideas that might be theoretically elegant but do not build happier lives. Is this what you call the apology for the abnormal? I do not know if it is necessarily that, it is above all the conscious distraction to which we are subjecting the younger generations and the renunciation of being able to build a horizon of certainties with tiny letters to live solvent lives.The permanent apology of instability or the liquid returns to us liquid and unstable lives That is the pure approach of Baumman It was a very explanatory metaphor of what we are living, what happens is that there are those who have raised theoretical buildings and cultural empires on that tradition. Who has done it? Much of contemporary thought is described by its hypercritical and non-propositional dimension. We do not give young people canons so that they can live prosperous or passable biographies. There a fundamentalism is generated and the article itself received furious criticisms that prove the article right: we have built a society of emptiness and we have forgotten that a critical but prudent approach can rescue many valid arguments.Are we renouncing certain values ​​that we end up looking for when it is too late? This is a strategy of capital itself, which has made us despise everything that takes us away: a horizon of stable expectations, a family, a house. They have pointed out to us that it is a good loss and deactivated critical instruments in the face of criticism and anyone who raises their tone in the face of these new creeds appears singled out or insulted. I have been called homophobic or anti-Semitic. Have young people become a generation of glass as some previous generations say? It is not a generation that has it easy, we have distributed certain comforts in a very little rational way, young people were born in certain absence of discomfort and with protections that make them fragile,but in exchange for that we have greatly unprotected them in the material and vital sphere. And those of us who made a theoretical and almost recreational appropriation of these doctrines have done it. That sounds like self-criticism on their part. Without a doubt, this article is to make me realize that I am 37 years old and I am no longer a young person and in that sense it is an adjustment of You have certain licenses that I have given myself.

Francisco Rosell, together with the jurors of the Gistau CARLOS G. POZO Award

The other day I read to him that if they call us young when we are over 25 they are still insulting us. It is a strategy to deactivate ambitions that are legitimate. When you tell a person that they are young, you are telling them that they are not yet, but that their efforts will soon be rewarded. And it is not true because youth lengthens, the promise is extended and it is impossible to fulfill it.And that has led us to have a nostalgic look towards the past, towards the generation of our parents? Above all it is a founded, determined and unsolvable terror towards the future. For no young person, the future can be a livable or walkable place. It is a place of threats and that makes them turn to the past because nostalgia is a form of retrospective hope.To this is added that Philosophy is being increasingly relegated in the school curriculum. That is a shame and an exercise against culture that would demand criminal responsibility if they left me. No politician has the right to steal access to cultural capital from entire generations. This, and relegating classical languages, is one of the most sensitive issues because the public powers are destroying a tradition that the West has built with lights and shadows. It is the triumph of an idiotic model that renounces culture as a value and not even to become more docile, but out of genuine contempt.You are also very critical of the ministers of Education that this country has had. It is a drama from the left that the PSOE cannot find a minister to take their children to the public and from the right to focus its educational reforms on the ownership of schools always towards the concerted one. It is a public responsibility and an antipatriotic gesture, without forgetting the worst experience of the right wing that cultivates a way of being ignorant. Are you trying to confront traditional education with a new emotional one right now? Sentimental education is noble if we read Flaubert, but if we eliminate content that makes us more cultured in exchange for smoke we do a disservice to young people. There is no better way to educate sentimentally than to read Shakespeare, Cervantes or Euripides,We forget the enormous capital that brought us here and that Petrarca is better than the biography of the last pop singer. This is giving up our legacy for nothing but with the appearance that we are making a hypermoral revolution, which is fallacious and the suicide rates and mental health of young people show that they are not happier in the new framework. To train ourselves through pills and very concise things, which you have exposed, does not help either. It is also reaching the university where the contents are increasingly shorter because our attention limit is increasingly shorter amid so much digital stimulus. We are unhinged by not having time to be quiet or read calmly. Is that a matter of a world that lives in speed? We are doing things all the time without knowing where we are going, that is the problem,It is difficult for us to reach commitments that last 30 or 50 years and living in that immanence builds more unstable lives. Do today's young people live ruinous lives as you say in your article? Young people are exposed to a new and unique vulnerability. It is a trap to make a comparison of whether our parents lived better. Is that why you gave up networks for a while? Yes, I didn't have networks because I wanted to live out of the most ordinary noise, they are a valid instrument, but very powerful. Just as you don't give an 11-year-old boy a chainsaw, he cannot expose his life, his values ​​and his beliefs on Twitter because it is a risk of which he is not aware.Do young people today live ruinous lives as you say in your article? Young people are exposed to a new and unique vulnerability. It is a trap to make a comparison of whether our parents lived better. Is that why you gave up networks for a while? Yes, I didn't have networks because I wanted to live out of the most ordinary noise, they are a valid instrument, but very powerful. Just as you don't give an 11-year-old boy a chainsaw, he cannot expose his life, his values ​​and his beliefs on Twitter because it is a risk of which he is not aware.Do young people today live ruinous lives as you say in your article? Young people are exposed to a new and unique vulnerability. It is a trap to make a comparison of whether our parents lived better. Is that why you gave up networks for a while? Yes, I didn't have networks because I wanted to live out of the most ordinary noise, they are a valid instrument, but very powerful. Just as you don't give an 11-year-old boy a chainsaw, he cannot expose his life, his values ​​and his beliefs on Twitter because it is a risk of which he is not aware.You cannot expose your life, your values ​​and your beliefs on Twitter because it is a risk you are not aware of.You cannot expose your life, your values ​​and your beliefs on Twitter because it is a risk you are not aware of.

Diego S. Garrocho, in Matadero Madrid JAVIER BARBANCHO

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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