In response to the damage caused by the red tide in the fishing industry, Kushiro Town, Hokkaido, has begun accepting new hometown tax payments without gifts in an attempt to support fishermen.

According to Kushiro Town, the damage to the fishing industry, which is thought to be caused by the red tide, has had an economic impact of at least 1.5 billion yen, with about 90% of the special sea urchins that were planned to be landed dying.

In response to this, the town began accepting hometown tax payments without gifts on the 27th of last month in an attempt to help fishermen.

The hometown tax payment agency site "Furusato Choice" accepts from 10,000 yen or more, and a thank-you note will be sent from the fishery cooperative at a later date.

Mayor of Kushiro Town, Mayor of Matsushige, said, "Many fishermen are disappointed because of the long-term effects of fishing damage that they have never experienced in the history of the town. I want people to support me. "