A Kuwaiti girl committed suicide from the 14th floor because of bullying her mother's nationality

Kuwaiti media, including Al-Rai newspaper, reported, quoting security sources, that a Kuwaiti girl committed suicide in Fintas (south of the country), after she was bullied in her school.

According to the newspaper's sources, the 15-year-old girl threw herself from a 14-storey building, "after a bad psychological state."

According to preliminary investigations, the girl - whose mother is of Asian nationalities - committed suicide because she was bullied by her schoolmates.

The Operations Room of the Ministry of Interior received a report about the incident, and with the examination of the security and emergency personnel, it was found that the body of a girl had died.

The sources indicated that the authorities are still investigating the circumstances of the case.

In November 2020, on the International Day against Violence and Bullying in Schools, Human Rights Watch called on governments around the world to urgently step up their efforts to ensure the safety of students in schools and on online platforms.

According to the United Nations agencies, more than 246 million children annually face gender-based violence in or around schools, and one out of three students is bullied and physically abused.

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