In the past, it was favored; now, it's like a tasteless

  Guan Peisheng, is it a shortcut to development or a "weapon for drawing cakes"?

  Our reporter Wang Yu

  Rotation for one and a half years and three years to be promoted to deputy director-level management post... At the campus job fair, many applicants gathered as soon as the recruitment information for management trainees was released.

  Guan trainee, whose full name is management trainee, first appeared in some multinational companies and was a recruitment project aimed at cultivating the company's future leaders.

Once, this was a popular position, which meant a clear career development path, relatively considerable income, and the expectation of becoming a future corporate manager.

  In recent years, more and more companies have listed options for management trainees for graduates, which has caused the recruitment of management trainees to flood and the "gold content" to decrease.

There are even companies hiring falsely under the banner of Guan Peisheng.

  From "Fragrant Pastry" to "Picture Drawing Tool"

  “The promotion speed is fast, and the salary is not “crotch”, so I chose the management trainee." In August this year, Xiao Kun joined a large state-owned enterprise in Shanghai as a headquarter management trainee. The company promised to send him to The department or branch is in charge.

  Guan trainees target fresh graduates, and companies usually arrange for them to rotate internships in various departments. After understanding the company's operating procedures, they then assign department heads and branch heads and other management positions based on their personal expertise.

  According to the questionnaire data released by Wutongguo, an online application platform for college students, to 100,000 college graduates nationwide, management trainees rank first in the ranking of jobs intended for employment by college graduates in 2020, with a preference of 5.18%. , Can be described as a job hunting "fragrance".

  "The word'management' makes people look forward to it." Interviewed job applicants said that in different positions recruited by the same company, the salary of Guan trainees, even if they are not at the highest level, is in the middle and above the middle, which is in line with job expectations.

  However, some people also report that the current Guan Peisheng gimmick has a lot of ingredients and has become a "better tool for painting cakes."

Ms. Yang, the personnel commissioner of a travel company in Beijing, revealed that positions that are not easy to recruit and the title of Guan trainee immediately become attractive.

"Students who apply for management trainees often value future development, so they will not be too demanding on the current salary, which is good for the company and harmless." Ms. Yang said.

  The reporter searched on the recruitment website and found that many industries, including real estate, logistics, and automobile manufacturing, are recruiting trainees.

Take an education consulting company in Beijing as an example. The company has less than 100 employees. It plans to recruit 10 management trainees this year alone. In the column of job responsibilities, it simply writes: According to individual ability and situation, different positions are assigned, and courses are available. Departments such as center and operation center are available for selection.

  Not all management trainees can successfully enter the management

  More and more companies have set up management training programs, which has reduced the gold content of management training students. The career development is far from the expectations of management training students, and it has become a tasteless for many graduates.

  Last year, Zhen Jiajia, a 2020 undergraduate graduate, received the appointment notice of management trainees from a certain education and training institution in Hangzhou, but was told that the position was a sales management trainee after joining the company.

  "The job content is sales, contact customers to sell the company's learning products. After I joined the company, the company did not carry out training, but arranged a team leader to supervise whether I completed the task. Sometimes the team leader'recommended' that we give gifts to manage the relationship, and the expenses are not reimbursed. "Zhen Jiajia complained that just after the probation period, she was expelled from the company on the grounds of "poor performance."

  The reporter has learned that the "simplicity" and "oversight" of the Guan trainee rotation project can easily make employees passive, and not all Guan trainees can successfully enter the management.

Ye Shuxing, a trainee who joined an Internet company in 2019, said that half of the trainees who joined him in the same batch have left.

  In an interview, Miss @索, a workplace columnist who served as HR for top 500 companies, said that the Guan Peisheng model does not apply to all companies.

She believes that for companies that are suitable for management training programs, their employee quality model should be pyramid-shaped, that is, a small group of elites lead a group of ordinary employees to promote the development of the company.

"Such companies have a large number of employees and have more grassroots management positions for management trainees to practice. In this way, potential management trainees can quickly master basic work skills through rotation and achieve rapid promotion."

  "Only when companies have good development expectations and human resource planning can they determine and have resources to reserve talents in advance." said Liu Junzhen, a professor at the School of Business of Nankai University, "but now, many companies cannot reach the corresponding level."

  Liu Junzhen said that for management trainees, because the project time is too long, the uncertainty of planning will also increase, and this will directly affect the stability and standardization of recruitment. "After three to five years, will the development of the enterprise be As originally planned, so many talents are generally needed, and it is often difficult to determine."

  Advise job seekers to choose a job rationally

  "Guan trainee's model can enrich the form of the recruitment market, but irregular recruitment may disrupt the rules of fair competition in the job market." Liu Junzhen believes that the future management of trainees can be regulated by human resource auditing organizations and urge companies to carry out legal actions. , Compliant recruitment activities.

  "Actually, the management training program does not pit people, but some companies are'digging pits.'" Xiao Kun believes that if job seekers want to take the management training route, they should try their best to choose a company with mature management training experience, such as at least 5 sessions. The above management trainee recruitment experience company, and pay attention to the final destination of the past talents.

  "The Guan trainee program is set up for talents with managerial potential, and it is not suitable for everyone." When it comes to career choices, many on-the-job management trainees believe that Guan trainees should not be chosen just to'take shortcuts'.

  "Before choosing management trainees, on the one hand, you need to evaluate your own abilities and the possible risks of the project, and see if you can accept the'long-term, high uncertainty' positions of management trainees. On the other hand, You must also evaluate how much you are interested in management positions. For example, for some students who are studying technology, you should think about whether you want to take a technical route or a management route, and choose your career rationally." Liu Junzhen added.

  Liu Junzhen reminded that if graduates choose the management training program, before signing a contract, they should pay attention to clarifying whether the company has specific rotation system, mentor arrangements, fixed positions, and whether there is a elimination mechanism and other key information.

(Some interviewees have pseudonyms)