The amazing journey of a chicken embryo developing into a sauce outside an egg in a transparent bowl (video)

It took a Ukrainian blogger three years to create an amazing video-documentation project, in which he presented the journey of the evolution of a chicken embryo into a live chick, in a transparent glass jar.

The owner of the SlivkiShow channel on YouTube, Yuri Shevchenko, tried various techniques to get a bird growing in front of us moment by moment in a glass container.

The blogger removed the shell from an ordinary chicken egg and placed its contents in a glass jar, which allowed him to track and see the development of a chicken embryo from the moment the first heartbeat, until the chick was ready to walk on the table.

Since 2018, Shevchenko and his team have been experimenting with different methods until this year, they reached the right mix of heat, oxygen and other requirements that allow the fetus to grow.

 The blogger used more than 300 eggs to get one chick to survive, through the transparent incubation process, after the vast majority of embryos failed to survive, with different breeds of chicken.

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  • SlivkiShow,

  • Yuri Shevchenko,

  • chickens