The reception can be seen as a bit of a revenge for Penn.

- You never know how a film will be received.

Bad movies can be well received, good movies can be made.

But the Cannes Film Festival is something so big, it is the world's most important film festival, it is a meeting place for artists from all over the world.

I have been to films here many times and it is always a great experience to be invited, he tells TT.

Playing against his daughter

Variety writes that it is one of Sean Penn's best films and The Guardian gives it a four.

The film is based on Jennifer Vogel's memoir "Flim Flam man" - a story about how she discovered that her father was a fraudster and had forged huge sums of money.

In Flag Day, Sean Penn plays his daughter Dylan Penn.

- The fact that both my parents are actors has not affected my choice of profession.

I am 30 years old, I started this late in life and I hope to continue, says Dylan Penn.

Focus on Bergman

Another film that was praised during the weekend is Bergman Island, by the French director Mia Hansen Löve.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, it's one of her best.

The film is about a filmmaker couple who go to Fårö and rent in where Bergman recorded the series Scenes from a Marriage, which triggered a wave of divorces when it came in 1974.

Variety writes that the film has found "the balance in the Swedish temperament".