The coronavirus health crisis has increased homophobia, transphobia and biphobia in France while participating in the invisibilization of these communities according to a report by the SOS Homophobie association broadcast on Monday, on the occasion of the world day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia.

The various health restriction measures, such as confinements, curfews or the closure of cultural venues have "left few loopholes for victims of LGBTIphobic violence".

Teleworking and distance learning are also cited, in a year when the suicides of several transgender students were to be deplored.

These health measures have also contributed to a withdrawal into oneself and a feeling of loneliness among LGBTI people, according to the association.

Deferred reforms

Another consequence of the health crisis, political concern has turned almost exclusively to the coronavirus, forgetting certain expected measures, recalls SOS homophobia.

This is particularly the case of the bioethics law opening access to assisted reproduction to all women, which has been further postponed.

This is also the case for the National Action Plan for Equal Rights, Against Anti-LGBT + Hate and Discrimination (2020-2023), presented in October 2020 by the Minister responsible for Equality between Women. and men, from Diversity and Equal Opportunities, Élisabeth Moreno, whose SOS Homophobie is still waiting to see the actions on the ground.


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  • Covid 19

  • Homophobia

  • Transgender

  • Lgbt

  • Homosexual

  • Coronavirus

  • Society