In the headlines: police officer stabbed to death in police station

Audio 04:38

Police officers secure the area where the knife attack took place against a police officer, in Rambouillet, near Paris.


By: Norbert Navarro

9 mins


A police officer was stabbed to death in a police station in Rambouillet, in the Paris region. The anti-terrorism justice took up the investigation

As the daily

Le Parisien


, it is to the cry of " 

Allah Akbar

 " that at the beginning of the afternoon, yesterday, the assailant, a Tunisian national of 36 years, unknown to the police services and the territorial intelligence, stabbed two times in the throat of a police officer in the entrance hall of a police station in Rambouillet, Yvelines department, west of Paris, before being fatally injured by gunfire a policeman. " 

Our colleague had the right reflex by immediately neutralizing the killer,

underlines in

Le Parisien,

a sector police commander


If he had had the time, the terrorist could have injured or killed several people inside


Aged 49, the assaulted official, mother, died of her injuries.

Why the police?


Le Figaro

, the sociologist Bernard Rougier says that " 

jihadist ideology sees the police as the symbol par excellence of the disbelieving authority which should be brought down


According to the author of the book 

Les Territoires conquis par l'islamisme

, “ 

in France, the police are the incarnation of the disbelieving state, at the service of a secularism described by Islamist circles as a machine to destroy the Islam


The anti-terrorism prosecution having taken up the case, the headline of 


castigates " 

Islamist terror is still hitting the police


But beyond that, according to this newspaper, this murderous stabbing attack is none other than " 

the umpteenth episode in the war that is being waged on our country


Because for this daily, it is " 

France [which] is attacked, but it is not some laws written in ink of" at the same time "which will protect it



Le Figaro, "

the signals of hatred are not weak, they are obvious, but France remains in flagrant denial of reality


Emmanuel Macron at Idriss Déby's funeral

At the funeral of Idriss Déby, yesterday in Ndjamena, Emmanuel Macron advocated the " 


 " of Chad, but the French president also encouraged the head of the junta to open the transition. 

This is what underlines in a 

Le Figaro


In this daily, the researcher Roland Marchal responds to the criticisms addressed to the French president because of his trip, yesterday, to Chad, by estimating that 

“the problem is not so much that Macron goes to the funeral (…) The problem is of 'to have endorsed a coup d'etat without reservation



Le Figaro

underlines that, in his prayer yesterday, Place de la Nation, in Ndjamena, Emmanuel Macron asked the junta to make room for “ 

all the children

 ” of Chad and to promote “ 

 stability, inclusion, dialogue, democratic transition

  ”. In the same daily, a diplomatic source confesses, " 

We are well aware that the CNT is too unbalanced and that it must be opened up to all components of society to avoid a collapse


But as this newspaper anticipates, " 

the opening will not be easy to find

 " and

Le Figaro

predicts it, " 

criticisms of the political opposition, armed or not, should quickly intensify (...) Because à N ' Djamena, as in the rest of Chad, the tensions accumulated over the years are released and threaten the very fragile balance of the country


The Chadian contingent of 1200 men based in the Sahelian region known as "the three borders", will not be repatriated to Chad 




, which announced his repatriation yesterday, explains how “

the junta's about-face

” finally took place 

 on this issue. According to this online newspaper, this contingent of 1,200 men, which was based in Dori, a town in the northeast of Burkina Faso, “ 

had left its cantonment two days ago to join the Niger border. From there, these soldiers intended, before returning home, to reach the town of Tera in Niger, where the rest of the Chadian troops were assembled


Before going home 


Mondafrique affirms that “

 the French President and his G5 partners have intervened with the new masters of N'Djamena so that they give up repatriating their 1,200 soldiers.

In exchange, Emmanuel Macron publicly affirmed his support for 18 months for his son Déby, 

”this online newspaper completes.


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  • Newspaper

  • Chad

  • Idriss Deby Itno

  • France

  • Terrorism

  • Sahel

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