China News Service, April 2nd. According to the website of the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, the US officials in Hong Kong accepted individual media interviews about Hong Kong affairs and openly slandered China's major measures to improve the Hong Kong SAR election system and formulate and implement the Hong Kong National Security Law. To support the anti-China chaos in Hong Kong, and threaten the so-called sanctions to arbitrarily trample on international law and the basic norms of international relations, the spokesperson of the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong expressed strong condemnation and resolute opposition.

  The spokesperson pointed out that the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee’s improvement of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region election system aims to uphold and improve the “one country, two systems” system, and to implement the principle of “patriots ruling Hong Kong”. It is constitutional, legal, reasonable, and reasonable, and is conducive to constructing a set that conforms to the actual situation in Hong Kong The democratic system with Hong Kong characteristics is conducive to ensuring balanced and orderly political participation in Hong Kong society, improving the governance efficiency of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, safeguarding national sovereignty and security and Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability. It is in line with the overall, long-term and fundamental interests of Hong Kong society. Progressive and viable ones have won the support and support of the general public of Hong Kong.

  The spokesman emphasized that Hong Kong is a society under the rule of law, and no one should be above the law.

Hong Kong’s National Security Law has set aside chaos and relied on its roots, focusing on cracking down on a small group of anti-China chaos in Hong Kong who seriously endanger national security, and protecting the rights and freedoms enjoyed by the vast majority of Hong Kong residents in accordance with the law.

Li Zhiying and other criminals openly colluded with external forces to carry out acts and activities that endangered national security, deliberately undermining the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, harming the interests and well-being of Hong Kong citizens, and hampering the long-term stability of Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong courts will not allow any external forces to betray the trial of Li Zhiying and his like in accordance with the law. The US officials in Hong Kong will only beautify and shield them for the interference and destruction of the rule of law.

  The spokesman pointed out that the US's concern about Hong Kong's democracy and freedom is false, and it is true that the Hong Kong issue is used to obstruct China's development.

I have never seen the US speak out for victims who were beaten, smashed, looted and burned by rioters during the "Regulations Amendment Disturbance". I have never seen the US face up to Hong Kong’s mainstream public opinion for stability and development. I have never seen the US really care about the general public in Hong Kong. For the well-being of Hong Kong, they can only see them eagerly jump out to fan the flames and make a fuss at the critical moment of Hong Kong’s transition from chaos and governance.

Are they "standing with Hong Kong citizens" or "fighting with a handful of anti-China chaos in Hong Kong"?

Whether it publishes the so-called report, or faces the media's wild rhetoric, or even threatens the so-called sanctions, the hegemonic act, hypocrisy, and sinister intentions of the United States naked interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China's internal affairs have long been known to the world, including the Chinese people including Hong Kong compatriots. Don't eat this set!

  The spokesman said that Hong Kong is China's Hong Kong, and no one cares more about the future and destiny of Hong Kong than the Chinese central government. With the enactment and implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, and the implementation of the new electoral system in Hong Kong, Hong Kong is expected to be freed from long-term political disputes and confrontations, work together to grasp the livelihood of the people, and concentrate on development. Under "One Country, Two Systems", Hong Kong will continue to integrate into the overall development of the country and play a greater role in connecting the mainland with the world. Hong Kong's prospects will be better and people's lives will be happier. Those external forces who don't see Hong Kong's good and China's good are doomed to fail. These people are advised to recognize the current situation as soon as possible, change course, and do more things that are conducive to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, not the other way around.