Younger and younger patients are currently developing severe forms of Covid-19, and people aged 30-40 sometimes end up in intensive care.

A situation which is explained in particular by the peculiarity of the English variant, which affects more the age groups hitherto rather spared. 

This is one of the peculiarities of the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic.

While they had been relatively spared until now, more and more young people, without co-morbidities, are developing serious forms of the disease and are in intensive care.

A situation that worries doctors, who try to empower young people who may believe they are safe. 

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Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Sunday March 28

"Anyone Can Be Affected"

"We see more and more young people. Young people aged 30, 40, who have no factors," confirms Anissa Amara, director of care at the Ambroise Paré clinic in Neuilly.

But if these cases are worrying and dramatic, it remains very rare.

According to figures from Public Health France, the average age in critical care is now 65 years, against 67 3 months ago.

Rare cases, therefore, but which should alert.

Doctors thus wish to draw attention to the youngest cases, such as Doctor Berenbaum, from Saint-Antoine hospital in Paris.

The latter gives the ages of his patients on social networks.

A way, in a way, to frighten in order to empower.

“Be careful,” he calls, “don't think you are outside of this risk, that's wrong, anyone can be affected”. 

The role of the English variant

The decrease in the average age in intensive care is explained first of all by vaccination, since the elderly are bitten as a priority.

But for Professor François René Pruvot, president of the hospital's medical commission, we must also retain a societal explanation.

"You can also think that the elderly have very clearly integrated the fact of not going out into their lifestyle. Conversely, people between the ages of 40 and 60 are more affected, perhaps due to the abandonment of barrier measures ", he analyzes.

Finally the English variant, ultra aggressive and now in the majority, affects the age groups so far more spared.