Kulturnyheterna has previously reported on a letter that an accused rapper tried to send from prison to a gang leader to make him threaten P3 to play his music more.

He also writes that he wants someone from the channel to be kidnapped.

However, the letter got stuck in the letter censorship and was never sent.

The rapper is charged with kidnapping, the same crime that the famous rapper Yasin is charged with.

Both artists deny any wrongdoing.

- It's uncomfortable, of course.

We are journalists who want to be taken seriously and not be threatened because we do our job, says Tina Mehrafzoon, music journalist at P3.

Meetings about the threats

On Friday, Swedish Radio's management and union representatives had several meetings about the threats that emerged from the rapper.

- I think you should consider it very serious.

This creates thoughts and anxiety among all employees, says Pierre Martin, responsible for the music section at SR and trade union representative from the Swedish Journalists' Association SJF.

- It is very unfortunate that this is the type of thoughts that should start to be in the back of my mind.

After meetings with the management, Pierre Martin believes that Swedish Radio as an employer does everything they can to investigate the threats and to support the staff.

- My strongest reaction to this is how important it is to keep your journalistic principles, says Tina Mehrafzoon.