Reason challenged

Audio 19:30

Antonio / Flickr

By: François Bernard

21 mins

It is often said of the infox that it does not conform to reason, to common sense.

Creationism or ufology, for example, refute certain scientific truths and prefer hypotheses without any other foundation than the overflowing imagination of their creator.

It is tempting when one feels on the margins of the dominant culture to adhere to fanciful information, propagate it, even invent it.


In the program

Interview with Stéphane François, historian of ideas and professor of political science at the University of Mons in Belgium, who has just published “the rejection of the West” by Dervy editions.

"No, the Breton variant is not an invention" The chronicle of Sophie Malibeaux.

Like every last Friday of the month in partnership with the Tours Public School of Journalism.

This week, Sophie Malibeaux and Thomas Hue took an interest in the infox circulating around the Breton variant of the coronavirus.

The Senegalese delegate to UNESCO, indicates that "from the age of 70, 9 out of 10 people affected die from the coronavirus".

The available data contradict this.

Verification made by Valdez Onanina from Africa Check in Dakar


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