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  [Commentary] Ms. Zhang, who is dancing, is 56 years old this year and was a critically ill patient with new coronary pneumonia.

On the afternoon of March 26, more than 200 medical staff from 39 supporting E medical teams from Shanxi, Henan, Guizhou and other places gathered in Wuhan Union Hospital to retell the relationship between doctors and patients and talk about friendship.

Ms. Zhang, who was informed of the news, came here and performed a dance to express gratitude.

  [Concurrent] Ms. Zhang

  Thank you for being able to survive is to be grateful. I feel that everyone is a life. They (medical staff) are also a life, but they are healthy. At that time, we were infected with a virus. It was really terrible and terrible because of our own experience. Only then did they know, but they were not concerned about their own safety, and they were really not afraid of death.

  [Explanation] During the 48 days of hospitalization in the West Wing of Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital, the doctors and nurses took care of her and brought Ms. Zhang back from the ghost gate.

Ms. Zhang said that she practised at home every day and told herself that she must dance well and let her gratitude come out.

  [Concurrent] Ms. Zhang

  Because when chatting, they relieved me that I kept chatting with me and asked me what I did. I said that I am retired and I am a dance lover who performs everywhere. If you dance so well, then you must come. Dance a dance for us, so I have nothing to thank them, I use this dance to show my gratitude to them.

  [Commentary] This time she not only danced but got her wish, she also saw the "benefactor" taking off the mask.

In the process of embracing and recounting the past, she shed tears several times.

  [Concurrent] Ms. Zhang

  I am very excited. I don’t know how to say a thousand words to see them. The four most spoken words are gratitude. Thank our great party and our great country. Only our country can do so well. Thank us. The medical staff of China, regardless of their own life and death, came to rescue us patients. I don’t know how to describe our feelings. They are thankful, thank you, thank you again.

  [Explanation] In order to welcome the comrades-in-arms, Wuhan Union Hospital arranged a series of activities.

Hu Yu, president of Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital, said that Wuhan, which has been revived after the epidemic, is bursting with vitality, and the appointment is at the right time.

I hope everyone embraces each other and feels the Jingchu style.

  [Concurrent] Aid to Hubei medical staff

  Today we saw the busy traffic in Wuhan and returned to this state again. We felt very happy.

  [Concurrent] Aid to Hubei medical staff

  This city, especially the people, feel that everyone feels like their relatives, and the environment is so beautiful and so good.

  Zou Hao Yu Lan reports from Wuhan, Hubei

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]