[Commentary] Wearing a red jacket and waving a little yellow flag... In front of the Jinan Normal School Affiliated Primary School, 8 elderly people with an average age of 70 years old will appear on both sides of the school gate every morning on time, volunteering to help. The school maintains traffic order and guarantees the safety of each child’s "last 100 meters" before entering the campus.

  [Explanation] At 7 am on March 26, the reporter saw the "volunteer granny group" in front of the primary school affiliated to Jinan Normal University.

Accompanied by a pleasant music entering the school, the volunteers and grandma began to guide the children to line up to enter the campus.

Yang Xueling, 64 years old this year, is the youngest member of the volunteer grandma group.

As the number of vehicles sending children to school at the school gate gradually increased, Yang Xueling kept directing the vehicles to leave the school gate quickly to prevent traffic jams.

In addition, she will accompany the students across the road to ensure that they enter the campus safely.

  [Concurrent] Yang Xueling, a member of the Volunteer Grandma Group

  It's 7 o'clock and we will be on duty at 7:15 at the latest.

We are not talking about a very fixed location. We just look at a place where there are many cars and children, and we will go there.

There are a total of 6 (duty points), which are about two to three hundred meters away. Basically, we have people on duty at the exit of each corridor.

Another is that the car came with the child. We helped to open the car door and let the child hold it down, so that there was less blockage on the road.

  [Explanation] Ma Chengxiang is the initiator of the volunteer grandma group. Among the items she carries with her is a green backpack full of essential items such as a red scarf and a little yellow hat.

Ma Chengxiang told reporters that because she often sees elementary school students forgetting to wear red scarves and other necessities for school and unable to attend classes at ease, she bought a lot of school necessities out of her own pocket to solve the children's "worries".

  [Concurrent] Ma Chengxiang, founder of the Volunteer Grandma Group

  (In the backpack) The little yellow hats, red scarves, and the little yellow flags we use are prepared for the children. Sometimes we prepare a little change and buy some stationery for the children in need. It slowly becomes natural.

It has been 15 years in total, and I carry it like this every day.

Sometimes it’s broken, just change one, and then continue to use it, there are four or five changes, and it’s inseparable.

Now some parents come on duty and come to me for a small flag. Sometimes I bring four or five and send them.

  [Explanation] The reporter learned that in order to facilitate the "volunteer granny group" to better protect the safety of students, the Jinan Normal School Affiliated Primary School provides the volunteer granny with the school's exclusive Little Red Riding Hood, Little Yellow Flag and other tools.

At the same time, the school has also established a parent-volunteer guard team to strengthen students’ safe travel education together with the volunteer grandmother.

Under the 15-year persistent guardianship of the "Volunteer Grandma Group", there has never been a traffic accident in front of the school.

  [Concurrent] Jia Yina, teacher of the Primary School Affiliated to Jinan Normal University

  Volunteer grandma's behavior has promoted the cultivation of children's awareness of safety, and made our students more aware of the passing vehicles when crossing the road.

Even our parents are able to stop and go.

We also invited the volunteer grandma to come to the school to meet with the students and conduct educational activities for the students.

Our students’ parents have also spontaneously formed a parent-volunteer guard team.

Each parent is also standing at the north-south intersection of the school on duty, which has better promoted the work of the volunteer grandma.

  [Explanation] In the future, the volunteer grandmothers hope to continue to escort the children for the "last 100 meters" if their bodies allow it.

At the same time, they also look forward to more people joining the team to pass on this love.

  Baiyang Jinan Report

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]