The Grand Mosque Eyyub Sultan in Strasbourg on March 23, 2021. -

G. Varela / 20 Minutes

The rag is burning between the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin and the EELV town hall of Strasbourg.

He accuses the latter on Twitter of financing "a mosque supported by a federation which defends political Islam" the day after a vote approving "the principle of a subsidy" of more than 2.5 million euros.

The minister asked the prefect of the Grand-Est and Bas-Rhin region to refer this deliberation to the Strasbourg municipal council to administrative justice.

"Even if the separatism law has not yet been adopted, given the seriousness of the decisions taken by the green municipality of Strasbourg, I asked" the prefect "to refer the decision to grant a subsidy to the administrative judge", wrote Gérald Darmanin.

"The green city hall of Strasbourg finances a mosque supported by a federation which refused to sign the charter of principles of Islam in France and which defends a political Islam", had already reacted on Twitter on the night of Monday to Tuesday Gérald Darmanin .

"We can't wait for everyone to open their eyes and for the separatism law to be soon voted and promulgated," he added.

A much-discussed subsidy principle

As a reminder, the Strasbourg City Council adopted on Monday evening "the principle of a subsidy" of more than 2.5 million euros for the construction of a mosque in Millî Görüs (CIMG), an association known to be close to Turkey .

This subsidy represents "10% of the amount of the work", noted during the vote the mayor EELV of Strasbourg, Jeanne Barseghian, whose majority affirmed that it was a usual percentage for the subsidization of places of worship in the Alsatian capital.

A subsidy, criticized by the municipal opposition and which will have to be the subject of a new vote subject to the prior signing of the Charter of Principles for Islam in France or guarantees on the transparency of funds intended to finance the site.


“Separatism” law: The National Assembly adopts the bill at first reading

By the Web

“Separatism” law: Is France going too fast in its fight against online hatred?

  • Strasbourg

  • Subsidies

  • Worship

  • Mosque

  • Society