[Explanation] After reading 300,000 star maps in 5 years, 4 supernovae and 2 galactic novae were successfully discovered.

Zhao Jingyuan, a "post-95" boy from Zaoyang City, Hubei, won the 2019-2020 Public Supernova Search Project Second Quarter Discovery Award.

  [Explanation] On February 3, Zhao Jingyuan said in an interview with reporters that he has always been a pious watcher under the stars.

  [Concurrent] Zhao Jingyuan

  The distant starry sky is very mysterious and vast, so I am willing to spend my entire life studying it and learning it.

  [Explanation] In 1997, Zhao Jingyuan was born in an ordinary peasant family in Shadian Community, Nancheng Office, Zaoyang City.

At the age of 11, he suffered from "dystonia" and was unable to listen, speak and walk like normal people. He needed medication to stabilize his condition every day.

Despite the inconvenience of walking, Zhao Jingyuan has been extremely interested in the mysterious starry sky since he was a child.

  [Concurrent] Zhao Jingyuan’s father Zhao Hailing

  Our child has loved astronomy since he was a child. When he was a child, he was usually taken from school to watch the sunset and sunrise. He was usually guided to love the sky, love nature, and love life.

  [Explanation] The reporter saw in the temporarily rented home of Zhao Jingyuan's family that despite the small space, the entire room was filled with various astronomy books and several astronomical telescopes of the same size.

  [Commentary] Zhao Jingyuan’s father, Zhao Hailing, introduced that when a celestial phenomenon happened, he would take his son to the outskirts, even across provinces.

  [Concurrent] Zhao Jingyuan’s father Zhao Hailing

  The child does what he loves, and it can be considered as a trivial effort for astronomy. When there is a celestial phenomenon, we will select a site in the evening when it is not dark, and take a taxi to the suburbs to find a site with a comparative advantage in observation. Observation.

  [Explanation] In 2016, Zhao Jingyuan occasionally came into contact with the "Public Supernova Search Project" and showed superhuman talent and perseverance.

  [Explanation] The reporter inquired about the National Science and Technology Resource Sharing Platform and learned that the "Public Supernova Search Project" is the first domestic astronomical science project in cooperation between the Star Tomorrow Station and the Chinese Virtual Observatory.

The project is based on domestic amateur astronomical observation data, provides a network platform that the whole people can participate in, and cooperates with professional astronomers and astronomical teams to jointly search for supernovae.

  [Explanation] In the past five years, with superhuman perseverance, Zhao Jingyuan used his extracurricular time to read 300,000 star maps and successfully discovered 4 supernovae and 2 galactic new stars.

  Hu Chuanlin, Qiu Jia, Zou Hao reports from Xiangyang, Hubei

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】