
Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) assumes that the risk of corona infection in the private sector can possibly be reduced by gargling.

“It has not yet been scientifically proven.

But the idea behind it is that gargling with mouth rinses made from essential oils dissolved in alcohol or even table salt is supposed to lower the viral load in the mouth and throat, ”said Spahn of the“ Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung ”(Wednesday).

He gargles regularly anyway.

Spahn did not want to make an explicit gargle recommendation such as the German Society for Hospital Hygiene, everyone should know that themselves.

"But it sure doesn't hurt," he said.

In addition, Spahn promoted compliance with a simple rule of thumb: "Act as if you had Corona: Then you automatically keep your distance and are more cautious overall."

Spahn appealed to families to refrain from traveling within Germany at Christmas.

“I would not find it right to place the location of the family celebration in the state with the most generous rules.

Because Covid-19 can also become dangerous within families very quickly, "said the minister.

For the first time since he could remember, he would not be meeting parents and siblings at the same time at Christmas.

"That's too bad.

But it helps to keep the virus in check. "All developments on Corona in the live ticker: