The German media and politicians have been like a burden from their shoulders.

They have been dragging along since 2016, ever since political observers with smart faces reported every day that such a redneck and a goof like Trump will never win an election and will never become president.

The politicians were so uncomfortable that they simply called the presidential candidate the most vile words. 

The Federal Chancellor herself did not pass by, who also spoke out a lot and offensively.

Therefore, when everything did not go as they predicted and rushed, it was a real shock.

Although in fact, as far as I remember, not a single political scientist with a smart face was ever fired.

On the contrary, they continued to water the lawfully elected president for another four years and draw cartoons on him, building the image of a natural enemy of humanity.

Rejoicing sincerely that this time the enemy of humanity is not sitting in the Reich Chancellery at Potsdamerplatz. 

The countess with her face overturned was still forced to run to the Atlantic Pond, but it turned out even worse - for all the bouncing with left-green nonsense about some kind of climate, the new boss of all Europeans looked with his wonderful transparent eyes.

Than only fixed hatred in the heart for the rest of the time. 

Whatever one may say, these were four years of pain and humiliation for the arrogant German ruling class, which is used to lecturing neighbors, interfering in their elections, appointing their sixes - and all this under charitable slogans.

And then a certain Trump whipped them so loudly in the face with the very fact of his election. 

So that holiday in the courtyard of the Bundeschancellery and in the publishing house of Axel Springer, which we are now observing, is such a drunkenness of the courtyard punks with joy that the most terrible bully from the area was taken by cops - and for a long time.

All this is also burdened by the exorbitant desire of the European leader, whom France is trying to push back, to join the big and strong shoulder of America, because in 75 years they have completely forgotten how to solve matters on their own.

And the fact that this strong shoulder personifies a physically and mentally weak old man is just such an irony. 

It is no coincidence that the topic of shoulder immediately appeared in Merkel's rhetoric: “Shoulder to shoulder in the ordeal of the coronavirus pandemic, shoulder to shoulder in the fight against climate warming and its global consequences, in the fight against terrorism.

Together for an open world economy and free trade. "

At the same time, they still cannot explain to their own population why destroy the economy under the pretext of a virus instead of reforming the health care system, why it is necessary to close power plants in order to buy energy from coal plants in Poland and nuclear power plants in France, to please the maddened Grune.

And as for terrorism, whose cow would bellow after the millionth import to Europe of a real incubator of terrorists from 2015 to the present day. 

Perhaps old Joe could tell her what to do next?

As Russian-speaking political analyst Alexander Rahr says, “Merkel really hopes that it will be possible to engage in joint international politics with Biden again, that he will not unilaterally, as Trump did, destroy international treaties, as was the case with the Iran deal. from which Trump came out.

Trump withdrew from the climate protection treaty, Trump threatened the Germans with sanctions against Nord Stream 2, and much more.

And the German government is simply sure that Biden will not do all this, and therefore they not only welcome and applaud Biden's victory, but also send him the first signals that they are ready for the closest cooperation. "

The key word here is "hope."

And how the chip will lie there, very few people can imagine.

The main thing is that in our area there is a holiday with rainbow balls: the hooligan made room in the yard for new hooligans who had to huddle up the wall.

But now they will recoup their public humiliation in full.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.