A demonstration brought together several thousand people who came to demand more resources for health, on November 7, 2020 in Toulouse.


Frédéric Scheiber / AFP

There were several thousand, between 2,000 for the police and more than 5,000.

A demonstration took place on Saturday afternoon in Toulouse, at the call of about twenty unions and left-wing parties who demand “more resources for health”.

Around 2:30 p.m., the participants, mostly masked, set off in the city center, behind a banner asking for "an emergency plan for our health, not for profits" for a shorter journey compared to the traditional ones. Toulouse processions.

Several speeches punctuated this course which had a scent of “yellow vests” demonstrations, even if few fluorescent chasubles were out, with slogans or anti-government songs.

Recruit caregivers, "the only thing to do"

“It is not true that we cannot recruit caregivers.

It is possible and it is the only thing to do ”, thus stormed at the microphone Pauline Salingue of the CGT health during a first speech.

In the procession we could see the flags of the trade union organizations and many signs calling for human and material resources for the hospital, such as "closure of beds, elimination of posts: stop", "more caregivers" but also several posters deploring "liberticidal measures".

Loïc, 36, waves a South health flag.

This 36-year-old from Tarn describes the “catastrophic” situation in his nursing home in which around ten residents are infected with Covid-19.

"Today in terms of human resources, it's catastrophic, it's worse than the first wave with colleagues on sick leave who are not replaced".

However, the young man affirms that "the whole team is doing its best to ensure that the residents feel as well as possible and do not remain isolated".

A need for "100,000 additional beds"

Sandra, a manipulator at the Toulouse hospital in Rangueil, demonstrates in a white coat embellished with a large CGT sticker.

She also evokes "a catastrophic situation", chest scans chain "day and night" with a flagrant lack of personnel.

"The Health Segur did not respond in any way to the main demands of hospital staff", deplore the organizers of the event in a leaflet, adding that "the need today is for 100,000 additional beds, we must now organize the recruitment 100,000 staff in hospitals.



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  • Hospital

  • Health

  • Covid 19

  • Demonstration

  • Coronavirus

  • Toulouse

  • Society