Lin Boqu is a well-known proletarian revolutionist and outstanding politician, and is honored as one of the "Five Lao in Yan'an".

He is one of the few revolutionaries of the older generation in our party who has been engaged in revolutionary activities since the beginning of the 20th century. He has experienced the old democratic revolution led by the bourgeoisie, the new democratic revolution led by the proletariat, and the socialist revolution.

It is he who has always maintained the revolutionary and learned spirit that made his life turbulent, full of struggle, and full of meaning.

  "Those who excel, the academic ability is beyond human ears"

  Lin Boqu was born in an ordinary rural family. Influenced by his family environment, Lin Boqu was able to memorize the "Three Character Classics" and "Hundred Family Names" before entering school.

When he was 10 years old, Lin Boqu was sent to a neighboring house to study. In less than two years, he had completed the four books and five classics.

Then he followed his father's side and studied "Selected Inspirational Poems", "Selected Inspirational Poems", "Selected Inspirational Poems" and "Selected Inspirational Songs" edited by his father himself, and was strictly disciplined by his father.

The 16-year-old Lin Boqu was admitted to the West Road Normal University and studied very hard. Two years later, he won the first batch of qualifications for studying abroad with the first prize, and went to Japan for the first time.

Lin Boqu, who returned from studying in Japan, actively participated in domestic revolutionary activities and went to Japan again in 1913 to study at Tokyo Chuo University.

  During his studies, Lin Boqu always put reading and study first.

Regarding reading, he believes: "Reading to prevent the heart from twisting, but still taking medicine to eliminate the disease. Although the disease is not eliminated, the disease will self-decay if the medicine is often overcome; although the heart is not fixed, the heart is often self-familiar with the taste of the book." And if you want to really gain knowledge, you have to do two things.

The first is "must have perseverance." The pursuit of learning must move forward without fail.

"Those who excel, academic abilities exceed human ears. Those who succeed, perseverance results in ears." He once wrote in his diary: "There is no age, no matter whether it is difficult or easy, but with perseverance, it is easy to plant trees and raise livestock. It’s getting bigger and bigger every day, but you don’t notice it.” The second is “strength to get rid of arrogance”.

In his opinion, the words arrogance and laziness are the most misleading, "Laziness is like embroidery, which weakens the body and is faster than work."

Therefore, he believes that arrogance and laziness must be absolutely avoided whether it is studying, using soldiers or being a man.

  Lin Boqu didn't let go of the papers, he would study when he had a little time, sometimes reading while eating.

Xi Zhongxun recalled: “Whether he was in the cave dwellings in northern Shaanxi or on the march, he always squeezed time as much as possible to study, think and delve into theoretical issues.” In 1955, he pointed out during a discussion with members of the Linli County Party Committee: “ If you want to revolutionize, you must study hard. You must not ignore your studies under the pretext of being busy with work. If you do not study well, you will lag behind the development of the situation." When he was in his 70s, his eyes were not very good, but he still insisted on working at 6 o'clock every day. Get up and study for at least two hours; if you don’t go out to check and work, you will even have to study for ten hours a day.

  "The more intellectual knowledge, the more you will feel less knowledgeable"

  Lin Boqu knows that "the more knowledgeable, the more lack of knowledge", so he read various books extensively and studied knowledge in various fields.

During his study abroad, he studied economics and law, not only extensively studying finance and statistics, but also interested in civil law, criminal law, international public law and administrative law.

Lin Boqu loves to read, and his range of reading is very wide. It can be said that he has read everything from ancient to modern at home and abroad.

In his youth, he read various progressive magazines extensively, and thought thoroughly on the basis of reading.

Whether it is Confucianism, Taoism and other classic works, or the works of various historical celebrities, he conducts specialized reading and learning.

Reading is Lin Boqu's life career. Xie Huaide, then secretary of the Fuxian County Party Committee, recalled that Lin Boqu mentioned when he was working in the Border District Government: Every time he saw him, he always had a book in his hand and often read late at night.

  Lin Boqu has his own way of studying.

He would extract good passages or words when he was reading, and he would study repeatedly, and he could even see the famous quotes he copied in his diary.

For classic works, he often puts several books together to compare reading and research.

When studying Japanese and English, he often went to the youth club to listen to Japanese and English speeches and special talks, and read as many Japanese and English books as possible.

In order to consolidate the learning results and further improve his foreign language proficiency, he also engages in foreign language translation work, such as translating books and newspaper articles, often translating thousands of words a day.

During his studies in the Soviet Union, he was placed in a special class due to his old age, but he studied very hard.

In order to be able to understand the teacher's class and read the original works of Marxist-Leninism, he began to learn Russian in his 40s and persisted until he left school. His level of Russian was greatly improved.

  "Holding the chips ashamed of lack of governance, but inspiring but keeping Marxism and Leninism"

  Chen Yi commented on Lin Boqu: "The revolution is worthy of a lifetime, and the correct line is a hero." Lin Boqu's life is the life of a revolution, and his revolutionary ideas are formed and developed in study and practice.

In his youth, Lin Boqu was deeply influenced by the reforms of Kangliang and Liang, and pinned his hopes on "constitutional monarchy."

In his autobiography, he wrote that it was the influence of the constitutional doctrine of the "Xinmin Congbao" run by Liang Qichao, and the concept of democracy he learned from the Japanese translations of European and American newspapers that made him deepen. Understanding of revolutionary ideas.

But when he read the book "Revolutionary Army" by Zou Rong, his thinking completely broke with reformism.

After being influenced by various new thoughts during his studies, he determined to do something for the revitalization of the Chinese nation and began to follow Sun Yat-sen in revolutionary activities.

  After the failure of the Great Revolution, Lin Boqu did not hesitate to abandon his reputation and status, and made a political choice without hesitation, choosing to stand and walk with the Communist Party of China.

He commented on himself in his autobiography: "Recalling the past, I am glad that this life was not wasted. Life is full of struggle and meaning. Looking forward to the future, he advances under the banner of the Bolsheviks with the confidence and courage he has never had before. "His whole life has been through continuous learning, and he has finally strengthened his belief in Marxism, and has continued to learn and consolidate his standpoint, viewpoints and methods.

The two poems in the "Sixty Life" written for himself, "Holding the money and lack of governance, but inspiring but keeping Marxism and Leninism", profoundly revealed the strength that made him stick to the long revolutionary road.

At the same time, he also deeply realized that Mao Zedong's New Democracy doctrine is "the most glorious expression of the combination of the universal truth of Marxism and the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution."

On the eve of his 60th birthday, he also asked Mao Zedong: "How should a person like me learn" and "How to do more work for the party."

This shows that he has firmly linked his destiny to the party, always maintaining the spirit of revolution and learning to serve the people wholeheartedly.

This spirit of always keeping learning and advancing, as well as firm political beliefs, made him a revolutionary life.

  Author: Yao Fan