China News Service, September 11th. According to the official WeChat news of the All-China Women’s Federation, according to a report by the Public Security Bureau of Xingtai City, Hebei Province, the case involving the “suspected sexual assault of underage girls” videos circulating on the Internet in the past few days has been solved. All suspects involved in the case were arrested and brought to justice, and the case is currently under further investigation.

The All-China Women's Federation paid close attention to the case, and immediately guided the local women's federations to follow up actively, and sent the victims to the women's federation for care and care, and provided services such as legal assistance and psychological counseling.

  At the end of last year, the All-China Women’s Federation launched the five working mechanisms of “preventing the sexual assault of minors and safeguarding the personal rights and interests of girls” in response to cases of infringement of minors, instructing localities to strengthen investigations and discoveries in their daily work and actively report women and children. For clues to infringement cases, work together with multi-departmental joint defense and linkage.

  The All-China Women’s Federation encourages victims and their guardians to take up legal weapons and take the initiative to report to the judiciary to expose illegal and criminal activities. It is hoped that women who have been violated will also seek help from the Women’s Federation.

  The All-China Women’s Federation calls on relevant departments and agencies to fulfill their compulsory reporting responsibilities in accordance with the law, and the whole society to work together to continuously build a “firewall” for child protection. When minors are found to be infringed or are in danger, they should promptly report to the public security organs or provide relevant departments. Clues, and jointly create a good environment conducive to the safe growth of children.

At the same time, the All-China Women's Federation also called on the media to protect the privacy of minors and avoid secondary harm when reporting similar cases.

Screenshot of the official WeChat account of the All-China Women's Federation