China News Service, Beijing, September 11th. Since August 15th, since Beijing started the work of returning to school in autumn, more than 500,000 college students have returned to campus, and Beijing's higher education institutions have gradually restored the order of education and teaching.

At the same time, the normalization of campus epidemic prevention and control has also aroused widespread concern. Is it necessary to "not leave school unless necessary?"

How to implement "relatively closed management"?

Today, the Beijing Education Department invited Wu Zunyou, chief epidemiology expert of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Di Tao, deputy secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of Education and Work Committee, and Zhao Gang, deputy secretary of the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, as guests on the "Teacher Please Answer" TV program to respond to the university campus Hot topics on the normalization of epidemic prevention and control.

  To understand "no need to leave school" from a scientific perspective

  At present, public facilities such as movie theaters and subways have resumed operations. Why do we advocate for college students to "not leave school unless necessary?"

  Wu Zunyou said that since January, especially in June and July, there have been sudden clusters of epidemics in Beijing, Dalian, and Xinjiang. In fact, various prevention and control measures are being implemented, so "we cannot guarantee that it will not happen again in the future. , Can only ensure early detection after the occurrence and control the scale to a minimum."

  Wu Zunyou said that the majority of students follow the education department and the school’s “non-essential non-school” regulations, which is very conducive to epidemic control.

He suggested that everyone understand this policy from a scientific point of view and from the perspective of assuming social responsibility.

  Turn "unnecessary not going out of school" into a conscious

  Di Tao believes that advocating "unnecessary not going out of school" is a kind of self-discipline for students.

  He said that the prevention and control of colleges and universities is different from communities, primary and secondary schools. The biggest feature of colleges and universities is collective life, where students eat and live together.

To minimize the risk is to reduce the possibility of contracting the virus from the source. This is also the basic consideration for advocating "non-essentially not leaving school."

  He emphasized that, as a contemporary college student, living on campus, hygiene and health are both personal and collective issues, school issues and national issues, and college students should take the initiative to take the initiative to maintain the current hard-won good situation. , On the basis of self-discipline, turn "unnecessary not going out of school" into a kind of consciousness.

  Di Tao said, judging from the actual situation of college students returning to campus in Beijing recently, teachers and students generally understand and support the school's prevention and control measures.

There is a rigid and one-size-fits-all phenomenon in the implementation of policies for individual schools. Schools have been required to put themselves in to experience the lives of students, dynamically adjust prevention and control measures, and at the same time fully communicate to form a consensus between teachers and students.

  Advocating "non-essential do not go out of school" is well-founded in law

  Is it illegal to advocate "not going out of school unless necessary"?

  Wang Chenguang, a professor at Tsinghua University School of Law, said that the country has not yet lifted the prevention and control of the new crown virus pneumonia, which is the "emergency phase" in legal terms. The outbreak may still exist.

Therefore, prevention and control cannot be taken lightly.

  "This also indicates that we are still in a special state of emergency." He said that in the state of emergency, there must be some measures that are different from the general and normal state. These measures will restrict certain freedoms of people, but they have legal basis. .

For example, masks must be worn on high-speed trains and airplanes, and there is strict immigration control, because the epidemic situation in other overseas countries is still very serious. These are all realities.

For example, certain social life, cultural entertainment, and sports activities have been restored in the country, but at the same time there will be some prevention and control restrictions. It is necessary to sit in separate places and control the number of people. This is all to prevent the recurrence of the epidemic.

Therefore, all measures to prevent and control the epidemic are based on law.

Of course, schools also need more refined and flexible measures.

  Minimize the impact on students' normal life

  "Don't go out of school if it is not necessary", how does the school guarantee the daily needs of students?

  Zhao Gang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, introduced that the school currently uses the approval system to exit the school.

  "The so-called'necessary' and'unnecessary', after repeated discussions, such as student medical treatment, interviews, haircuts, etc., these are very reasonable." He said that the student approval process is very simple, the mobile phone installs a small application to complete the needs Submit the filled-in content and receive a reply within ten minutes.

  Traveling on National Day, but be protected

  Can we go out during the "11" holiday?

Wu Zunyou believes that work has resumed and production has resumed, and a normal life has been fully restored. Everyone can go out and play.

But be very careful in this process.

  In addition, on September 3, the resumption of Beijing international flights has started direct flights. Does this also mean that many international students, including foreign teachers and teachers and students stranded abroad, can also return to school?

  Di Tao stated that the Beijing education system will conduct two nucleic acid tests on entry personnel for 14 days in accordance with the unified requirements of Beijing.

Specific to the school, it is necessary to transfer to the school's health observation point for 7 days of health monitoring.

The most important thing is to implement all the specific requirements for epidemic prevention.
