On September 10, local time, nearly 10,000 new cases of new coronary pneumonia were newly diagnosed in France in a single day, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases exceeded 350,000.

The continued acceleration of the rebound of the epidemic has aroused the attention of all sectors in France.

  According to the epidemic data released that night, the number of newly confirmed cases in France on the 10th reached 9,843 in a single day.

The total number of confirmed cases in France reached 353,944 that day.

  The president of the French Scientific Council for Response to the Epidemic, Del Frasi, emphasized on the 10th that the current two age groups need to pay attention: one is that the “vulnerable” people over 60 are the “targets of the new crown virus”, and I hope that the elderly will not attend the event. Many gathering activities; the other is people aged 20 to 40, they must respect social distance and observe epidemic prevention measures.

  French government spokesman Attar announced on the 10th that due to the continued detection of confirmed cases, 32 schools have been closed in France and 524 classes have been suspended.

However, he said the closed schools accounted for only a small part of the total number of law schools.

(Edited by Guo Shihao)

Editor in charge: [Liu Pai]