Illustration of a choupinet teleworking -


Trade unions and employers agreed this Friday to hold an "ultimate" meeting on September 22 around a "shared diagnosis" on teleworking, the trade unions still hoping to open the negotiation of a national inter-professional agreement, that the Medef judge "premature".

The CFTC has already announced that it will not take part "in the next working sessions as soon as they (do not) have the stated purpose of renegotiating a national inter-professional agreement" (ANI), in a press release issued at the end of the meeting.

Medef remains on the defensive

The unions want to negotiate new rights for employees working remotely, a practice that has largely developed to prevent the progression of the Covid-19 epidemic.

"Companies and, within them, the social partners, need a renewed, unified and simplified normative framework", underlines the CFTC, while the only ANI dates from 2005, when telework was at a stage experimental.

The Medef refuses to comment at this stage.

"It's too early to say" if there will be a negotiation, said Hubert Mongon, his negotiator, during a conference call.

Twelve pages but no conclusion

This "diagnosis" is "a first step and it will be up to the various employers' and trade union organizations from the 22nd to see whether or not there is a need for additional work.

But that seems premature to me, ”he added.

The negotiators of Medef, CPME, U2P, CFTC, CGT, FO, CFE-CGC and CFTC met this Friday morning by videoconference around a project of " shared diagnosis ”.

It is a 12-page text that Medef sent them on Wednesday, which is based on discussions between employers and unions since June 5.

Lack of ANI

This project looks at the challenges of teleworking (social, economic, environmental, managerial, organizational, etc.) but does not provide recommendations and does not at any time mention the ANI demanded by the unions.

“We devoted this meeting to comments, proposals, recommendations, adjustments to the text.

The objective is to have the consent of all the organizations, ”assured Hubert Mongon.

The CFE-CGC and the CFDT sent their respective proposals to Medef to amend the text.

Force Ouvrière must do it.

The employers freed

The CGT and the CFTC reiterated during the meeting the need to open a negotiation and "did not intervene at all on the content of the summary text", during the meeting, according to Hubert Mongon, who however said " confident on a consensus ”.

The CPME could decide on Tuesday on a possible negotiation.

“There is great reluctance within companies and branches.

I am not sure I have a blank check, but we do not want to give the image of an employer blocked on a social issue, ”summarized Eric Chevée, negotiator of the CPME.

Volunteering or obligation?

One of the issues on which negotiation could be possible would be “home business continuity” (CAD), this massive teleworking imposed on millions of employees in March, during confinement, he said.

“A document like this, a cabinet could have written in a week.

It is not very ambitious, turned on the managerial and will not change the lives of employees, ”for his part reacted Jérôme Vivenza (CGT), regretting“ missing subjects ”such as disconnection or disability.

The unions are calling for an ANI to secure the notion of volunteering, prohibit the generalization of teleworking over a worked week, more rigorously supervise the workload, distinguish between traditional teleworking and home business continuity (CAD), specify the way in which charges for teleworking costs.


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