[Explanation] Liu Rui is a young shoemaker in Xicheng, Jinan. In addition to serving customers on weekdays, he will also be busy making miniature leather shoes that he loves.

Liu Rui’s hands were made by Liu Rui from the cocked shoes imitating the Tang dynasty to the cloud head shoes imitating the Song dynasty, to the flowerpot bottom shoes imitating the Qing dynasty, the three-inch golden lotus, and the miniature shoes with the theme of 56 ethnic groups and 12 zodiac signs.

These miniature shoes are only about 7 or 8 centimeters, and are made with a 7:1 ratio based on actual objects.

  [Explanation] On September 11, when the reporter met Liu Rui, he was busy in front of the workbench, and a pair of black and white miniature leather shoes was gradually taking shape in his hands.

Liu Rui told reporters that he took the shoemaking road because of love.

  [Concurrent] Liu Rui, a shoemaker

  When I was at home and had no goals, I chatted with my daughter-in-law, because my daughter-in-law’s insteps were a little different from normal insteps. She wore squeezing shoes with normal shoe size. If she wears a fat and thin fit, but her feet are short, she looks The shoes are big, and it is very inconvenient to walk and go up the stairs.

I looked back on the Internet. At first I wanted to learn by myself, but later I found that it was quite difficult. Later, when I checked, there was a mini-shoe maker in Jinan, very close to my home. Through the address on the Internet, I came to my master Peng. master.

  [Explanation] Liu Rui's original idea was to learn shoemaking skills from his master Peng Shizeng, and to make shoes suitable for his wife's feet, so as to avoid pain.

Now he has opened a leather shoe studio. In addition to creating miniature leather shoes, he also operates leather shoe repair, maintenance and private custom-made businesses.

In the process of repairing shoes and making shoes, Liu Rui also fell in love with the production of miniature leather shoes.

Liu Rui said that one of the most challenging steps in making miniature leather shoes is to carve the last. The last is the soul of a pair of shoes. All leather shoes are shaped by attaching the leather to the last mold and presenting the shape of a pair of shoes.

  [Concurrent] Liu Rui, a shoemaker

  Mini leather shoes are a reduced version of large shoes. If each mini shoe is enlarged to normal shoes, it can be worn on the foot immediately.

It just miniaturizes the shoe-making process, and the procedures and steps inside are basically not simplified.

  [Explanation] After continuous efforts, Liu Rui and master Peng Shizeng finally used 6 years to create miniature leather shoes with themes such as "Three-inch Golden Lotus", "12 Chinese Zodiac", and "56 Nationalities".

In addition, Liu Rui also searched for Internet information, browsed through historical books, and restored ancient Chinese shoes in the form of miniature shoes.

  [Concurrent] Liu Rui, a shoemaker

  The only shoes I am holding are from the Tang Dynasty. Obviously, its front curl is a little higher, because in ancient times, the official robes were mopping the floor. This function was to put the robes behind it.

In the past, whether a courtier saw the emperor or a servant saw his master, he would not look directly at his face, and would know if it was his master without looking up.

  [Explanation] Regarding the future of his shoemaking career, Liu Rui said that he wants to further explore Chinese shoe culture, continue to record and inherit the history of Chinese shoes, so that more people can understand shoe culture.

  Yang Fei reports from Jinan

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]