just an opinion

"Ali Baba" and "Open Sesame"

Faisal Muhammad Al-Shamri

September 12, 2020

The Arabic content is rich, and this is evidenced by the frequency of literary plagiarism and the numerous quotes from "Hollywood" to Asian investments in the "cartoon" industry with purely Arabic content, and from the novels of "A Thousand and One Nights" to the seventh art industry.

Adopting a common position that protects our future generations from drawing a distorted image of the Arabs, and documenting the extent of the betrayals, historical abuses, or plundering of Islamic heritage that our ancestors suffered in international or Ottoman museums, negatively rather than voluntarily, necessitates an account of Arab heroic stances regarding attacks, violations and crimes The incident against humanity. Our human history is full of honorable positions from "Dhi Qar" to helping immigrants against world war crimes. We are not talking about the controversy of crimes against the Armenians, nor about the "brotherhood of dust", which reviewed the crimes of the butcher Muhammad Pasha, and the refusal of some Arab channels from The series featured scenes of piles and Asmali torture, the kidnapping of the people of Medina by train, or the kidnapping of craftsmen from Damascus and Cairo.

Rather, we are talking about a history that has begun to diminish and erase from the memory of future generations, and a cinematic industry absent from the lack of desire of some to stir up controversy, or put forward a neglected side of the stories of the Arab world, which was subjected to colonialism wiped out in the name of Islam, and was as bad as the crimes of the Mongols if not worse, for the long period of colonization. .

Our history is beautiful and rich in content, and it can contribute to a cultural, economic and even tourism industry. The importance of displaying it and documenting it is also reflected in the experiences of other countries, such as "Isabella", which transformed from a serial killer to a saint and a hero who shone historically, and the crimes of the Inquisition and the torture that it established were hidden. And practiced it with blind hatred.

We are faced with a responsibility that requires us to shine our history. If we fall short, our children will be proud of the history of others, and lose an important era of human civilization, thanks to the wild West dream culture, the youth of the world have come to dream about the land of dreams, as a result of brainwashing and continuous propaganda campaigns, positive and negative, while on the ground. The dream is nothing more than a mirage and an illusion of the Promised Land, all because of the influence of the media and cinema.

Creating an Arab platform, as fellow writer Abdullah Al-Nuaimi pointed out, for Netflix and others, is a necessity required by the current stage. The Arabic digital content is lax, and “your skin is not scratched like your fingernail,” and it will not wash the brains of our children and sterilize them except for us!

Our digital successes are distinguished, and they will be complemented by the creation of appropriate digital content. Rather, it is an economic and strategic necessity that has become existential rather than a luxury, and in the language of numbers, the successes of networks such as "Netflix" with analytical capabilities on the most popular movies and series, stimulate this investment.

To read the previous articles of the writer please click on its name . 

A non-resident internal administrative advisor at the Emirates Center for Government Knowledge and Consulting at the Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government