51 new cases of Covid-19 have been identified in the Gers since August 25.



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The epidemic continues to progress in France.

After a peak of nearly 9,000 new cases of Covid-19 on Friday, a record since the start of the epidemic and large-scale tests in France, around 8,500 cases were confirmed on Saturday, then just over 7,000 this Sunday, according to data from Public Health France.

The increase observed since the beginning of the summer therefore continues to accelerate, as the French return to schools and businesses.

The evolution of other indicators remains worrying in France: 58 new sources of contamination ("clusters") have been detected in the last 24 hours.

A toll of 30,701 deaths

And the positivity rate (share of positive cases, out of all people tested over 7 days) continues to increase: it reached 4.9% on Sunday, against 4.3% in midweek and 3.9% at the end of August, continuing its slow but steady flood.

Finally, in all, 30,701 deaths linked to Covid-19 have been recorded since the start of the epidemic in France.

Three more deaths have been recorded in the past 24 hours.

If the number of serious cases in intensive care, less than 500 according to the latest figures available, remains very far from the levels recorded in March-April, at the height of the health crisis (it had peaked at more than 7,000), the Minister of Health Olivier Véran warned that it would increase, mechanically, in the wake of the increase in contaminations.

Warning messages

"What I can tell you right now is that the hospitalization and admission to intensive care is only a reflection of the epidemic situation of two weeks ago and therefore it is obvious that in the next fortnight, there will be an increase, not massive but an increase nonetheless, in the number of serious cases, ”he said on BFMTV on Saturday.

"Today we have a 30% growth in the number of cases per week, 15% in the number of hospitalizations.

If we continue with this same pace, we will arrive at a critical situation in December in several regions of France, "epidemiologist Antoine Fontanet warned on LCI on Sunday.

▶ On the #virus

🗣 Pr Fontanet: "Today we have a 30% growth in the number of cases per week, 15% in the number of hospitalizations. If we continue at the same pace, we will end up in a critical situation in December in several regions of France "

📺 # La26.


- LCI (@LCI) September 6, 2020

In Marseille, several doctors have also stepped up to warn about the rising tension in hospitals, like Doctor Hervé Chambost, medical director of crisis, who assures us that "people at risk present again serious forms and are currently in intensive care ”.

Seven more departments in red

At the same time, the government this Sunday placed seven new departments in the "red zone", which now covers more than a quarter of the departments, including four overseas.

Despite this worrying context, the government plans to relax one of the measures applied in the fight against the coronavirus: the "fortnight", this period of two weeks of isolation recommended to patients and to the famous "contact cases" (likely to have been contaminated), to limit the transmission of Covid-19, could be shortened, as indicated by Olivier Véran.

Voltage screening capacities

The minister said on Saturday that he had asked "the scientific authorities to give an opinion on whether we can not reduce" the period of isolation for contact cases, considering that "this famous fortnight (...) is probably too much long ”.

"This will be considered during the next Defense Council," said Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot, in Le Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro-LCI.

Access to tests is a growing concern, with increasingly long queues and delays to obtain results reducing the effectiveness of the response to Covid-19.

But according to Olivier Véran, it should improve within "two, three weeks at the latest".


Coronavirus in the North: New measures after the transition to the "red zone"


Covid-19: Seven new departments classified as "active traffic zone"

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