China News Service, Beijing, August 30. A spokesperson for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council issued a statement on the 30th, expressing strong condemnation and solemn warning against Hong Kong anti-China chaos in Hong Kong for slandering the mainland’s efforts to aid Hong Kong in fighting the epidemic. And health, venomous.

  The spokesman said that the central government is highly concerned about the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong. In accordance with the request of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, the relevant central authorities have recently quickly organized mainland medical personnel to support the fight against the epidemic, including sending nucleic acid testing support teams to Hong Kong to assist in the implementation of universal community testing, helping to build community treatment facilities, building temporary hospitals, and Bear the relevant expenses. These measures embodied the central government's care for Hong Kong and the virtues of the people of the motherland and Hong Kong compatriots watching and helping each other. They are welcomed by the general public in Hong Kong and are called "timely rain" to help Hong Kong stabilize the epidemic. More than 6000 Hong Kong medical staff have enthusiastically signed up to participate in the testing program.

  The spokesman said that there are very few people with ulterior motives in Hong Kong who do not know good or bad, and they slander and discredit the mainland's measures to aid Hong Kong in fighting the epidemic. They groundlessly slandered the expert qualifications, reagent quality, and laboratory safety of the mainland support team; they poured dirty water on the national testing decision, falsely claiming to be "profit transfer" and "black box operation"; they blatantly violated the "restriction order", Harassing the members of the advance team of nucleic acid testing in the Mainland; using some district councils to obstruct the implementation of the testing plan and the Hong Kong version of the health code. They even fabricated and spread rumors of "genes sent to China", with the intention of creating social panic and repeating the ugly scene of rumors in the "Regulations Amendment Disturbance".

  The spokesman said, "If something goes wrong, there will be demons." The anti-China and Hong Kong elements politicized the mainland’s aid to Hong Kong to fight the epidemic and played the trick of "political speculation". The purpose was to use every opportunity to attack the authority of the Special Administrative Region government, damage the image of the central government, and smear the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. Instigate the feelings of Hong Kong people towards the motherland. This fully exposed their political nature and dark and distorted psychology of anti-China chaos in Hong Kong. What they have done has reached the point of unscrupulous measures, no bottom line, and lawlessness. We hereby warn these malicious people. With the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Hong Kong is undergoing a transformation from chaos to governance. Acts such as "Hong Kong independence", "black violence" and "speculation" will continue to be hit hard. We firmly support the law enforcement and judicial organs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to punish in accordance with the law those criminals who create and spread rumors and obstruct the fight against the epidemic.

  The spokesperson emphasized that life is precious and fighting the epidemic is like fighting fire. I hope that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government and all sectors of society will unite and work together to overcome the epidemic as soon as possible, restore economic and social development and improve people's livelihood. (Finish)