The entrance to the Jean-Bouin sports center, in Nice - SYSPEO / SIPA

The positive cases followed each other over just four days. After the confirmation of three diagnoses of Covid-19 among the members of the "bike" room of the Jean-Bouin municipal sports complex, devoted to cycling, its closure has been decreed, announced the city of Nice on Friday.

The first report goes back to Saturday. “A user informed the complex that he tested positive. [But the latter] not having been in contact with any member or any agent since his last visit [August 18], this one does not represent any risk of contagion, ”suggests the town hall. Except that, Tuesday, August 25, officials of the room learned that two other people, also tested positive, had attended during August 21.

Total disinfection

Members who have been in contact with them "were contacted to inform them of their fortnight and the need to carry out the PCR test", explains the city. "As a precautionary measure and in agreement with the Covid referent of the city of Nice, it was decided to close the bike room". In the meantime, it is the subject of a total disinfection and a redevelopment with the bikes more spaced.

This week, the mayor of Nice LR Christian Estrosi said that the positivity rate in the city, among all the tests carried out, had increased "from 1 to 2% at the beginning of August to 10% on average". Thursday morning, the government raised the Alpes-Maritimes department to the red “high vulnerability” level.


The Alpes-Maritimes in red, the start and finish of the Tour de France in "almost behind closed doors" in Nice


Wearing a mask soon to be imposed (also) in the 48 other municipalities of the metropolis?

  • Sport
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Nice