Wearing a mask in Nantes city center - L. Venance / AFP

The numbers are below the national average but are increasing day by day. This Friday, Loire-Atlantique was placed in a situation of "moderate vulnerability" because of an increasingly intense circulation of the coronavirus, announces the Regional Health Agency. The incidence rate reached 23.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, which makes the authorities say that "the rebound is there".

"The hypothesis is a diffuse circulation of the virus but particularly active in areas with high urban density", explains Patricia Salomon, of the ARS. The Nantes conurbation and the Nazaire basin, to a lesser extent, are therefore closely monitored. Especially since the vacationers have not yet all returned ...

Ephemeral screening centers arrive in Nantes

Cases which are increasing while the number of screenings has doubled in the department since the beginning of July, to reach more than 2,300 tests per day. A new rise in power is to be expected since in the coming days, three ephemeral screening centers, free and without appointment, will be set up in Nantes city center, including one near the Carré Feydeau.

While several large cities have imposed the generalized wearing of masks throughout the city, this is not yet the case for the City of the Dukes where “discussions are underway” as to whether or not to expand the current perimeter. In any case, we already know that it will be necessary to come masked to participate in the fun fair. The event, maintained, must start next weekend but will be "scrupulously controlled".


Coronavirus in Pays-de-la-Loire: A washable mask offered to each high school student

The situation is improving in Sarthe

In Sarthe, the situation is improving even if the figures are still high. The incidence rate fell to 63 per 100,000 and the positivity rate is 3.6%. The department is still placed in "high vulnerability". 

  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus
  • Nantes
  • Society