Princess Lady Diana, pregnant with Prince Harry, holding Prince William in her arms - Photoshot / UPPA / VISUAL Press Agency

Princes William and Harry commissioned a statue of their mother, Lady Diana, in 2017, to mark the 20th anniversary of her death. And, it is the life of the Princess of Wales, who died in a car crash in 1997, which will be celebrated next year. In an attached statement, her children announced that the work will be unveiled on July 1, 2021, which should have been her 60th birthday.

An update from Princes William and Harry about the statue of their late mother. #Diana

- Majesty / Joe Little (@MajestyMagazine) August 28, 2020

The statue will be installed in a place dear to the late princess. She will sit in Sunken Garden in Kensington Palace in London, where Lady Di loved to stroll. It is also there that Prince Harry had announced to the press his engagement with Meghan Markle.


“The princes hope the statue will help all visitors to Kensington Palace think about their mother's life and legacy,” the statement concluded.

There is no doubt that the two brothers will inaugurate it together, despite the few disputes that have opposed them recently. If some tabloids explained the delay in the finalization of this statue by their quarrel, the Covid-19 pandemic would actually be the cause, according to ET Online.


The dress Lady Diana wore during her dance with John Travolta at the White House auctioned

  • Prince william
  • Royalty
  • United Kingdom
  • Prince harry
  • Lady Diana