Marie-France, first eliminated from "Koh-Lanta: the 4 Lands" - Laurent Vu / ALP / TF1

  • TF1 broadcast this Friday the first episode of the new season of  Koh-Lanta , entitled "Les 4 Terres".
  • Marie-France was unanimously eliminated by her comrades from the Northern team.
  • “In three days, I found an inner peace that I had never felt,” says the candidate to 20 Minutes .

She does not have "any resentment". This Friday evening, in the very first episode of the new season of Koh-Lanta , Marie-France was eliminated by her comrades from the northern tribe. Because of the defeat of the Violets on the immunity test (which played out very little), the 49-year-old candidate had to pack her bags after three days of adventure.

In the portrait of Marie-France broadcast on TF1, her son predicted that the hardest part for her would be group life. He was only half right, since it was simply his age that played against him. That she be eliminated early in the game, the adventurer expected. Several months after her departure, she confided to 20 Minutes her impressions of this new season and her feelings on the links she has forged with other players.

Going first doesn't have to be easy. Have you digested your departure since the end of the shoot?

At the time, it is not easy. When Denis says in a voiceover that I'm leaving again annoyed, he puts his finger on the right word. I was not angry, I was upset. We sleep one night on it, we analyze, we think about it. If I had been 20 years younger, I might have lived it badly but I take it in retrospect, I tell myself that it was just a game. I still had a lot of luck. to be selected, we must not forget that. It would be completely stupid to be resentful, we do not move forward with it. I had a great experience and life goes on.

You say you need a hassle to get ahead in life. Is Koh-Lanta one of them?

You should have come with me to spend the night in the torrential rain. I thought I was going to die. I didn't say anything because there were young people and I didn't want to scare them but I was afraid. I'm not a jerk, but that night I wasn't leading off because I wasn't expecting that at all. Frankly, I was in a bind. I wanted it, I got it. Maybe I didn't use the right words in my portrait, I'm aware that there are people in real trouble, I've had some too, you shouldn't take everything literally . I wanted to shit, I shit.

Everyone voted against you. Did you expect it?

Yes, I expected it. I figured it out when we lost the immunity test, I knew it would be me because logic wanted it to be me. I was not part in the perspective of making strategies, I wanted to save my buttocks like everyone else so we do not give up. But my goal was not to pit people against each other. When I got back to camp, I wanted to do it right by finding the immunity collar. Adrien comes to find me, and I only understood when I saw his portrait in the episode that he had come for the strategic side. I didn't know that in the game. When he asked me if I should vote against someone, I gave him the name Angelique, even though there was nothing with her. The girl got me a little drunk because it was a bit "me too, me too". There was nothing else, I was not towards her, she did not come to me. We saw each other afterwards and she is adorable. Koh-Lanta is a game, you have to play, you must not suffer and it did not work.

How easy is it to create affinities in just three days?

I did not ask myself the question, I had not left to make friends. I did Koh-Lanta for no one other than me. If I made friends, so much the better, but otherwise too bad. But I left with some real friends. We have this impression, even now when we meet again, of all knowing each other for twenty years when we spent only a few days together. This is what is weird and magical at the same time. For a person like me who is hypermeatic, I didn't think it could be done in such a short time and with such strong bonds.

Do you think that the values ​​of the people of the North are compatible with Koh-Lanta , which is a game where it is about strategy?

As long as it's clear in people's heads that it's still a game, you have to ignore the rest. Even if Fabrice voted against me, that doesn't mean he's a bad person from the North who no longer has values ​​and convictions. He had to put a name on a piece of paper. I don't think we should mix everything up.

This is the first time that we find four teams in Koh-Lanta . What did you say when you got to the first stage?

The first time I came up against Denis, when I saw that there were several teams, I told myself that I was going to be sidelined because I was the only Belgian. I am not Belgian but I live in Belgium. I felt a little alone in the world for a fraction of a second. When Denis announced how things were going to be with the North, the South, the West and the East, I was super happy because I left the north of France about thirty years ago and I felt like I had stepped back 30 years.

Even in three days of adventure, we imagine that you have had time to experience lots of things. What will you take away?

I retain only the positive of this adventure. If I had to change something, I wouldn't change anything. I have remained myself, the person you see on TV is really me. Seeing myself in the first episode, I understood why I am sometimes told that I do not want people to come to me. That's not why I'm going to change because it wouldn't be me anymore. I left for Koh-Lanta with a loaded head because of my exhausting job. We are short of hands, no one wants to come and work for us, it's difficult. I arrived with my head hypercharged and in three days I found an inner peace that I had never felt. If this is what we call letting go, I really felt it on Koh-Lanta .


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  • TF1
  • Television
  • Interview
  • Koh Lanta