Confined, in Nice, March 22, 2020. - Lionel Urman

  • Three researchers from the University of Pau launched a major three-part survey on the French and the confinement linked to the Covid-19 epidemic. The questionnaire is to be completed online.
  • Yann Bruna, Gaelle Deletraz and Evelyne Barthou are trying to understand how the French welcomed and lived this unprecedented period and whether the decisions taken during these two months will have long-term effects.
  • The trio of teacher-researchers have already received more than 8,500 responses. An unexpected success which allows them today to affirm that, despite differences in experience, according to age, socio-professional category and gender of the respondents, this confinement was conducive to introspection and change of life.

"The interviewees all tell us that they felt a great deprivation of freedoms but, paradoxically, of having finally had control over time and ... more freedoms. »With her research colleagues from the University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour (Uppa), Yann Bruna and Gaelle Deletraz, the sociologist Evelyne Barthou has been studying the impact of this unprecedented period on life since the start of confinement. the French. The first assessment is simple: these 55 days under a bell gave rise to “contradictions” in most of the 8,500 respondents.

All of them took the time to participate in the study launched online on April 1 by the trio of researchers, supported by four private interns with field experience. "We did not expect such a success, but the French needed to speak, explains Evelyne Barthou to 20 Minutes . Some thanked us for allowing them to distance themselves from what they were going through. "

"See if the postures defended during confinement will be respected"

The trio of sociologists therefore analyzes thousands of questionnaires, of which only 45% come from New Aquitaine. The rest covering France, "except certain red departments," said Evelyne Barthou. The panel, also more feminine than masculine, will therefore be adjusted, in order to better stick to the population of confined people. Once the first section “impact of confinement” has been completed, sociologists have started the one on deconfinement (the questionnaire is available here and on the Uppa home page). In nearly six months, the third round, "long-term comparison", will be launched. "We will try to see if the postures defended during confinement, such as those of flying less or benefiting more from one's family, will be followed up on," explains Evelyne Barthou.

In the meantime, workers, teachers, housewives, students or senior managers meet in real life. Even if confinement was obviously not the same experience for "two students living on 20 m2 on their campus as for young people who were able to reach their parents' residence". “There are bound to be exceptions. Women have assured us, for example, that their mental load has been lower while other studies have shown the opposite. But on the whole, this confinement revealed this tension between this negative feeling linked to the deprivation of liberties and the feeling of isolation and that very positive of a deceleration, a relaxation of stress, a time favorable to introspection ”, explains Evelyne Barthou.

“France does not wake up pacified. "

Respondents living in priority neighborhoods were able to use "other words", conceives the university, but the reality is the same in the popular Bordeaux district of Aubiers on the privileged banks of the Garonne. “By nature, the online survey displays a bias, the panel being marked by graduates, but the experiences are similar. Most of our respondents mentioned this contradiction between great anxiety and a period of calm, adds Evelyne Barthou. Nothing is all white or all black but in most cases this unprecedented situation has caused a rupture, a change in behavior. "

Many respondents have discovered telework (45%), new sports or cultural activities and a less sustained work pace (48%). Others appreciated losing less time in transport or choosing to consume less. Many men enjoyed taking care of their children more. "The confinement will leave traces. French people who have tasted another life need change, says Evelyne Barthou. We already note this with this deconfinement which is not easy [demonstrations against racism, mobilization of nursing staff, etc.]. France fell asleep very angry and she does not wake up pacified. "


"I stay in telework", "I still don't know when I will be able to join my loved ones" ... Those disappointed with the deconfinement confide


VIDEO. Four effects of confinement on the brain

  • Pau
  • Aquitaine
  • Deconfinement
  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus
  • Video
  • Confinement
  • Bordeaux
  • Society