7 billion neighbors, school on the radio - with Sarah Wauquiez - Mathematics

Mathematics, geometry, problems. iStock / Graphic Studio France Media World

By: Ludovic Dunod

The daily program of society is transformed to meet the expectations of listeners, faced with the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. We are more than 4 billion people forced to stay at home and some 1.47 billion children now out of school (including about 600 million students on the African continent).


Program produced live every day, with a team in confinement and in the studio: Cécile Lavolot, Delphine de Dianous, Romain Dubrac, Hugo Violas, Emmanuelle Bastide.

First part : Class Sarah Wauquiez, co-author of School open air ( E editions of the Salamander)

Part two : the tale The secret of Elisa Villebrun's plantation  , Editions Bayard - Planète j'aime Read
A story told by Éloïse Auria, actress.

Part Three : Queens of Africa, by Sylvia Serbin

Sylvia Servin is a journalist, historian and author of Queens of Africa and heroines of the black diaspora , Éditions Medu Neter.
A chronicle on heroines little known in the history of the continent!
Today: the Hottentote Venus

Your reactions and questions on WhatsApp: 00 33 1 84 22 71 71

Find lots of other resources to continue learning on the RFI Savoirs website.

The program is labeled  "Learning Nation", an operation initiated by the Ministry of National Education and Youth with the audiovisual media and the written press to offer programs and podcasts related to school programs.

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  • Education

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