(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) The Chief Secretary for Administration of Hong Kong: Continued threat of violence will make economic recovery face severe challenges

  China News Agency, Hong Kong, May 3-The Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Zhang Jianzong, said on May 3 that the recent local epidemic has slowed slightly, which is not easy to come by. When the epidemic ends, Hong Kong should recover as soon as possible. However, some people have recently launched illegal gatherings and demonstrations, which not only increases the risk of spreading the disease, but also poses a threat to public safety.

  Zhang Jianzong published a blog on the same day and pointed out that there is a sense of non-compliance in Hong Kong society. Since June last year, there have been 1,400 public events, many of which have evolved into serious illegal violence. About 40% of the arrested were students, nearly 1,400 under the age of 18, and the youngest was only 11 years old. More than 460 students have been charged, of which the youngest three are 12 years old. Among the arrested persons handled by the judicial process, eight persons under the age of 18 have been convicted, and the youngest is only 13 years old. It is distressing for these young people to try their own way to destroy the future.

  Zhang Jianzong emphasized that no matter whether the SAR government invests more resources and introduces more measures to support the citizens and enterprises affected by the epidemic, if the public security of the society continues to be threatened by illegal assembly, demonstrations and violence, the safety of the citizens cannot be guaranteed. However, foreign investment is discouraged, and Hong Kong's economy will face severe challenges to recover.

  The Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government announced on May 3 that as of 16:00 that day, no new confirmed cases of coronary heart disease had been recorded. This is the 14th consecutive day of no new local infection cases in Hong Kong. A total of 1,039 confirmed diagnoses have been maintained in Hong Kong so far. (Finish)