The Zoom videoconferencing application (illustration). - Fotoarena / Sipa USA / SIPA

The containment measures linked to Covid-19 forced the Israeli authorities and many organizations to hold virtual rallies for "Yom Hashoah". This official day of remembrance of the genocide of six million Jews by Nazi Germany was held from sunset Monday to dusk Tuesday.

But the commemorations of this "Holocaust Day" on the Zoom videoconferencing platform were hacked by "anti-Semitic" elements. The latter interrupted the speeches of survivors with images of Hitler or pedophilia, we learned this Tuesday from participants.

A complaint filed

In Israel, Myriam Gross, 91, was telling her life in Nazi hell to sixty people when the session was "hacked" by a participant who imposed child pornography images on the group, according to witnesses. "It was I who managed the session and I took a few seconds before realizing what was going on and I finished after a minute by cutting", explained Gabriel Abensour, one of the organizers.

He then recalled the Holocaust survivor, who lives alone in Jerusalem, and decided to resume her testimony. "We reconnected and continued but we all came out a little traumatized because it was just very violent. I think it was intentional, that it was anti-Semitic, "he added. The organizers said they had filed a complaint with the Israeli police, Zoom and in France, with the Pharos platform which tracks racist and hateful content online.

Hitler images

The Israeli ambassador to Germany said he had hijacked a Zoom meeting with another survivor, Zvi Herschel. "Anti-Israeli activists disrupted the session by posting images of Hitler and chanting anti-Semitic slogans," said Jeremy Issacharoff on Twitter. The event had to be suspended. "

In its annual report released on Monday, the Kantor Center at Tel Aviv University reported an 18% increase in 2019 in violent anti-Semitic acts worldwide with 456 cases identified.


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  • Society
  • Application
  • Israel
  • Piracy
  • Antisemitism
  • Holocaust