Roland-Garros Airport in Saint-Denis de La Réunion. - Richard Bouhet

Double punishment for overseas students. A week ago, Monday, April 13, in his fourth address to the nation since the start of the crisis caused by the epidemic of the new coronavirus, the Head of State, Emmanuel Macron, announced, among other things, that " classes will not resume physically at university until the summer  ”. Something to worry about, if not further anxious these students: some settled in mainland France only a few months ago, and may not have had time to build a network of friends. They therefore find themselves confined, sometimes in deserted university residences.

#Coronavirus "The effort" of overseas students confined to France will be taken into account and "the Minister of #Outremer (...) will have the opportunity to make a certain number of proposals in the coming days to be able to help "(Sibeth Ndiaye)
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- (@ la1ere) April 15, 2020

They were also asked to "make a special effort", as two days later government spokesperson Sibeth Ndiaye said. In this case, that of "not returning to their families to avoid the spread of the disease in these territories", located thousands of kilometers away. However, even if they had wanted to, they could not have done it since the air links between the mainland and the overseas territories were suspended on March 23.

We can understand that the prospect of getting stuck in mainland France until classes resume in September, without the possibility of returning home in the meantime, does not reassure them in any way, as testified by this reader of 20 Minutes  : "I would like to find out why overseas students, in particular, cannot return home to their families, knowing that university students will not resume until September. Especially those who are completely isolated, like me. »Mélissa

Here are the answers we can provide:

On Wednesday, Sibeth Ndiaye added that the effort made by overseas students would be "taken into account by the government" and that "the Minister of Overseas [Annick Girardin], with the Prime Minister will have the opportunity to make a number of proposals in the coming days to help them and organize their return to their original homes ”.

Census. In fact, Sunday was published in the Official Journal a decree to this effect. It concerns "the creation of an automated processing of personal data in order to assess and organize the quarantine needs of overseas students on the move in France with a view to their return to their territory". This is a census, to be found here, student questionnaire section, and which, remember, remains open until May 2.

To find out more, we contacted Maël Disa-Vingataramin, a young interministerial delegate for Equal Opportunities for French Overseas and for Visibility of Overseas Territories (he was appointed at the end of January).

What procedures for the repatriation of overseas students? Explanations from Mael Disa, interministerial delegate for equal opportunities for French overseas nationals. He was the guest of Mayotte the 1st

- (@ la1ere) April 20, 2020

Concretely, "this is not a call to departure," he clarified. This census is put in place for those who, in any case, intended to return. "Besides, he adds," each year, out of the 40,000 overseas students, more than half stay in mainland France in summer ". To do an internship, a summer job, or even travel.

Since the implementation of the census, 1,526 people have made themselves known (Tuesday at 11 am). How will they be returned? "I have no specific track for the organization of the return and the placement in quarantine", admits Maël Disa-Vingataramin. Everything will depend on the scale, because "it is not the same thing to organize the return of 1,000 and that of 10,000 people", but also "dates", underlines the one for whom "educational success is a priority. Some students will have face exams [where their physical presence is mandatory], which may take place in late May or late June. These will therefore not be available immediately. We will therefore have different starting waves. We are not going to do a blind script. "

① The launch of a census of students who wish to return to their territory. Those who wish to do so must be allowed to return to their territory in the best possible sanitary conditions for themselves and their loved ones.

- Annick Girardin (@AnnickGirardin) April 20, 2020

Solidarity platform. In the meantime, to come to overseas students, the Interministerial Delegation for Equal Opportunities for French Overseas and Overseas Visibility (DIECVI) has accelerated the implementation and launch (April 3) '' a digital platform called "It responds to a need that has been identified for a long time, and which is to better connect the associative network and overseas students established in mainland France," explains the interministerial delegate. Each year, there are about 8,000 newcomers, who need time to settle in, to make their mark. There was therefore, on the one hand, this very active associative network in the sports or cultural milieu and, on the other, these somewhat isolated students, whose difficulties increased with the Covid-19 crisis. "

Since its launch, 15,000 people have already visited this platform, says Maël Disa-Vingataramin. There are four main needs, he says: “Food aid, university restaurants being closed; psychological help, due to isolation; assistance with tutoring, to avoid dropping out; administrative assistance, where to get it, via Crous, ministries, etc. Needs which, like the health crisis, will also evolve.

Our file on the coronavirus

Call for projects. Finally, note that, to strengthen support for overseas students, the ministry has launched a call for expressions of interest (AMI) from the voluntary sector. It is possible to register by email, until Friday April 24 only, at this address:

So that you can see more clearly, 20 Minutes is  trying to answer your questions, which you can send us by following the procedure below. Questions which should, we will be grateful, relate to a subject other than that addressed in the article above. Do not hesitate to check that your question has not already been answered on our site. To find out, go to the search bar at the top of our home page. In any case, don't forget to leave your e-mail in your message. Thank you in advance (and take care of yourself)!


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  • Covid 19
  • Containment
  • Coronavirus
  • University
  • Student
  • Overseas