Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, April 21: In order to prevent crowds from gathering, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has recently introduced measures that require bars and pubs to be temporarily closed. A 36-year-old head of an unlicensed bar illegally operated under a "closing order" and was sentenced to two months 'imprisonment at the Fanling Magistrates' Court in Hong Kong on the 21st.

  The other two bar staff members in the case were also sentenced to 14 days in prison and suspended for 1 year for selling liquor without a license.

  In the early hours of the 19th, the Hong Kong police inspected an industrial building in Tuen Mun and found 18 guests gathered in a bar with an area of ​​about 100 square meters. The policeman arrested the head of the bar and two staff on the spot.

  The person in charge of the bar admitted to selling wine without a license and learned of the government ban, but was in need of money, so he committed a crime. The three defendants pleaded for the opportunity given by the judge. The magistrate said that the person in charge of the pub was informed of the implementation of the regulations and still chose to violate the law, so the person in charge of the bar was sentenced to two months in jail and all the beer involved was confiscated.

  The Hong Kong SAR Government stipulates that bars and pubs will be temporarily closed for 14 days from April 3. On the 8th, the SAR government gazetted that bars and pubs were temporarily closed until April 23. The SAR Government announced on the 21st that the relevant regulations will be extended for another 14 days to May 7. Those who violate the rules commit criminal offences and can be fined up to HK $ 50,000 and imprisoned for 6 months.

  The first sentencing case under the "stop business order" involved the person in charge of a bar in Tsim Sha Tsui. He was sentenced to 7 days in prison at the Kowloon City Magistrates' Court on April 16 for business violations.