The compassion compassion center in Beauvais, in the Oise department. - Google Maps

  • After a check, an Ehpad in Beauvais, in the Oise department, decided to abandon the confinement of the personnel.
  • The employees had been living in self-sufficiency in the establishment since early April.
  • The labor inspectorate considered that the safety and labor standards were not respected for the employees of the retirement home.

The strategy was not regulatory. After a control of the labor inspection, an Ehpad of Beauvais, in Oise, decided to abandon the very particular confinement of the personnel. Employees have been living in isolation in the establishment since the beginning of April to limit the risks of the introduction of Covid-19, we learned, on Tuesday, from concordant sources.

The labor inspectorate considered, on April 17, that the safety and labor standards were not respected for the employees of the retirement home La Compassion. The report follows a control carried out three days earlier, told AFP the management of the establishment, confirming information from the Parisian

Housed in motorhomes

Requested by AFP, the regional labor directorate, (Direccte) ensures that it did not request the deconfinement of employees at their workplace, but demanded the implementation, within a given period, of additional measures on a certain number of points deemed insufficient, including staff accommodation, but "not only".

A priori, the labor inspectorate considers that the staff housed in motorhomes could not respect the necessary distance meter between two people and that there was "endangered" professionals.

After the broadcast of a report on March 25 on another Ehpad which had decided to confine the staff, the management of La Compassion consulted its 75 employees to set up a similar confinement.

None have symptoms of coronavirus

Sixty of them responded favorably, she said. On April 6, thirty employees began to live inside the establishment, either in day reception rooms, or in caravans and motorhomes parked in the closed parking lot of the center, without going home. They finally stopped confinement on Friday.

"For me, the conditions were completely correct (...) The decision was made to protect the residents, to avoid any contact of staff with the outside and to reduce the risk of contamination of the Covid-19", reacted to AFP the director of the retirement home, Marie-Anne Petrolesi.

"There is a huge disappointment within the team," she continued, saying that to date, none of the staff or any of the 99 residents have symptoms of coronavirus.


"The resumption of family visits in Ehpad is essential, but we must also resume activities," said the director of AD-PA


In the Ehpad managed by the City of Paris, an initial assessment reports 132 deaths

  • Health
  • Coronavirus
  • Picardy
  • Beauvais
  • Working conditions
  • Containment
  • Ehpad