Invited Tuesday of Europe 1, Jean-François Delfraissy addressed the question of the reopening of schools. According to the president of the Scientific Committee, "the risk is limited" for children. 

The government's details were not enough to reassure the teachers' unions. While Emmanuel Macron had announced the gradual reopening of schools from May 11, the date of the start of deconfinement, the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer spoke on Tuesday of a return spread over three weeks, by class levels, while promising the establishment of a "health protocol" before the start of the school year. Invited Tuesday of Europe 1, the president of the Scientific Committee Covid-19 Jean-François Delfraissy assures him that "the risk is limited" for the children in the educational establishments. 

"The virus is not very present in children," recalls Jean-François Delfraissy, "children do not make serious forms". On the other hand, he recognizes, "what makes the risk is to be in an institution, with multiple contacts between children".

But, he adds, continuing confinement beyond May 11 carries a "societal risk", especially for children living in difficult families, with "consequences on side effects in children, abuse, etc. ". 

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