How to tame your voice? (Replay)

Cover of the book "Scream, speak, sing", by Perrine Hanrot. © Éditions Premier Parallèle

By: Caroline Lachowsky

The voice is our ultimate communication tool, a fascinating organ that connects us to each other, yet we pay little attention to it.


How to make our voice heard, which is also our signature? Why is it not generally recognized when it is registered? What to do when you don't like your voice? Can everyone play and sing it? How to get back in your voice / way? How to work this instrument to be able to play it together? This is what we are going to ask ourselves with our guest Perrine Hanrot, former lyric singer, who now teaches the art of the voice, she has just published "Shout, speak, sing". Nice program to follow in unison around the question, how to tame your voice?


  • Perrine Hanrot , lyric singer for 20 years, teaches the art of the word and the voice ( ), author of  Shouting, Speaking, Singing - Mysteries and Powers of the Voice , by Premier Parallel editions.

(Replay of April 15, 2019)

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