The Russian athlete from Primorye, Dmitriy Yakukhni, traveled 100 km around his bed at home in 10 hours in preparation for his participation in the Marathon in the Sahara. According to the Russian "Novosti" agency.

The athlete said: "I had to participate in the most difficult enemy marathon in the world this April in the Sahara region in Africa, but it was postponed because of the spread of the Corona virus in the world. So the enemy decided about my bed in my house for a distance of 100 km without being clumsy. Self-isolation system. "

He added that he is the only Russian athlete participating in this great marathon. He was training during 9 months in preparation to participate in it. He said that his son, Artium and his daughter, Nicole Aida supported his initiative and even cut him part of the distance into the house.

He explained that the enemy for a distance of 100 kilometers took 10 hours, as he used the direct broadcast of his enemy on "Instagram" once every hour and the end of his half-hour run.

It also helped him to measure the distance the special application called "pedometer" which he loaded on his smartphone.

The athlete listened to the music while running, and said that the 76th kilometer was his hardest kilometer on the run.

It is reported that the 35th Marathon Des Sables match will be held on September 18th in the Moroccan section of the Sahara Desert.