Last week my daughter had to be hospitalized due to high fever. Other babies are said to have a high fever once when they turn around, but their daughter Laura grew up healthy until the age of 15 months, so she thought she was out of the way.

That day, I was amazed at the moment I inadvertently touched the child's back. My daughter's body was like a fireball. 39.7 degrees, at the moment suspected thermometer. It was a child who had fed fever once with a passing cold. He woke up his sleeping wife, prepared a towel, and found and fed the antipyretic agent in the cupboard. After about an hour, I wiped the child's body with a towel and measured the heat again, and it was 38 degrees. I couldn't be relieved. I waited until the morning and checked if it was possible to go to the pediatrician who was attending. He said it was difficult to see patients with high fever in hospitals. After two or three calls, I went to the hospital to find a pediatrician at a hospital with a screening clinic.

After arriving at the hospital, he was able to receive medical treatment only after completing procedures such as body temperature examination and confirmation of entry. The doctor's opinion was that it was a throat, but he had a high body temperature and needed additional tests. Blood tests and X-rays, urine tests, and splash tests were needed, and each time the child cried like a game. When I got Ringer's shot, I cried out and cried out, so the nurses had to wrap it up with a wrapper and give it. The wife who watched it eventually burst into tears, and I soothed my crying wife.

Outside the injection room, listening to the cry of a crying child, I thought I might bring her to the hospital and make my daughter sick more. Perhaps the child cannot understand what is going on. You don't even know it's a treatment to cure your sickness, and you'll think nurses who see you for the first time only hurt you. The child's face from the injection room was filled with tears, runny nose, and sweat, and a thick Ringer tube was placed on the back of a small hand. Since then, Laura has been terrified to look at anyone wearing a nurse uniform and hugs her mom and dad.

In fact, even before, when I heard that my child had been going to the emergency room because of a high fever from parents raising children around me, I heard and shed it as an ordinary example. A sick baby is a baby, but seeing a sick baby in a narrow bed all day was harder than heavy work. Laura was more annoyed and hugged more than usual, swarming her body and annoying. Even though I knew that my child was sick, it wasn't enough for my patience to handle all of this. If I wasn't with my wife, I might have been lying down. It was such a difficult time. Fortunately, on the third day of hospitalization, the child's fever reached 36.5 degrees, and we were discharged.

There was one thing I realized after doing this once. I actually thought I knew more about parenting than other fathers. But it was not. There was something I had never experienced before. Caring for a sick child. When I was working at a company, a colleague with a child suddenly came to work late in the morning and asked why, when I asked him, 'I went to the hospital because he had a fever,' he replied briefly and used to watch him start working.

At that time, I had no idea.
What does it mean to be sick?

A child's sickness means that his parents rarely slept last night, and the crying child was sore and soothing, that he had fever all night with antipyretics and towels, and he took him to the hospital to hug the child who was struggling, get an injection, and take the medicine. I mean it. Until the child's fever fell, parents didn't know they had to go anywhere and take care of the child. I'm glad if my child is sick after 2-3 days, but if I get even worse, I can hardly imagine behind it. I didn't dare to figure out how hard it would be, how hard my body and mind would be.

Commonly speaking, raising a child is like a proper course of life. Parenting is thought of as one of a series of formalized courses such as 'university-military-employment-marriage-parenting', but parenting was more difficult than any other process. In particular, the care of a child when he was sick was a pain in the mind and body that he had never experienced before.

Then it turned out that when I was a child, I also had a heat. His mother said that there were times when the fever was serious and dangerous. I dimly remember. The dark room, the heat is full of my parents, who wiped my whole body with a hand towel and rubbed my limbs.I had such parents, so I was able to live a healthy life so far.

There are a lot of things you learn as you raise your child. It is said that it takes more than a year for humans to be born and walk, and it takes longer to eat rice by themselves. Since I became an adult, I thought it was natural to enjoy what I enjoyed because I can eat, sleep, and wear it all without anyone's help. However, as I raised my child, there was no place where neither the eating nor the sleeping or the wearing could reach the parents. Even my current health was the effort of my parents.

The child has become healthier than before after this heat. I ate more rice and talked more. I also feel like I've grown up as a parent. The child's growth pains soon became the parent's growth pains. 

Parenting 15 months 15 months as a parent.

As I follow my child's steps, I can see that I am following my parents' footsteps.

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