A few days separate us from the arrival of the blessed month of Ramadan, this month that Muslims yearn for, and they wait for it to come every year. It is a month of worship and affection, during which our lifestyle changes, so it is not a day like any day, nor a night as any night, it is a busy month, full of customs, acts of worship, visits and love Fraternity and compassion.

All of this is true .. But God willing that Ramadan this year will be different, Ramadan does not look like it, as it is not like any previous Ramadan, it is a month in the year of “Corona”, that virus that changed human life, and turned it upside down, so our Ramadan this year comes Under completely different conditions, difficult, complicated and severe, so balance is required, the balance between the holy month and adherence to health guidelines, procedures and instructions that combat the spread of this virus!

The holy month is a month of worship and affection, and Islam as a whole is a religion of mercy, and it is mercy for every person to preserve the health and safety of his family, friends and society, as one of the purposes of the Sharia, so there is no “harm or harm”, meaning that no one will harm others, with intent or without intent, nor It exposes itself to harm from others as well, and today there is no greater harm and deadly than the emerging Corona virus, which threatens humans in every part of the world!

"There is no harm, no harm," a jurisprudential rule in our true religion, which should be applied strictly in these difficult days. It is more important than anything else, and we do not mind delaying many of our customs, traditions and gatherings that we always cherish and proud of, and which we wait impatiently for each year, other than This year is completely different, and the current circumstances require us to be cautious and attentive, and to strictly adhere to the anti-virus guidelines, so that we maintain physical and social divergence, until we reach the day we eliminate this disease, and we stop and move away from our social habits, as long as it turns into a cause of attachment Harm to others, here we must do Of abstinence, until the end of this crisis!

The difficult circumstances that Ramadan has gone through throughout history are many and many, there are many crises, many wars and disasters, and we today live in a real crisis, which is closer to disaster, it is a pandemic that stops our normal life, and the only way to prevent its spread is commitment to physical and social separation between individuals Society, so a Muslim must take into account these conditions, and not cast himself to the decay, and let each of us remember that the health and safety of our people are more important than our community, and the days to come, and, God willing, will be better, and we meet again with all love and affection, in a world without “Corona”!

Adherence to health guidelines, and social divergence, does not mean at all that we do not enjoy the atmosphere of Ramadan and Eid, and this year we may be closer to our families and our children, and we can make Ramadan nights full of affection, mercy, spirituality, worship and family rapprochement in one house, the important thing to remember is that we continue to face our Corona virus, And that we all work to contain it, and support the efforts of health authorities in the state, and we are committed to social divergence, and not to mix, and avoid large family meetings.

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