Exclusive Interview with Suifenhe Acting Mayor: How does the border town Suifenhe prevent and control the epidemic?

Suifenhe City, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, because of the increasing number of imported cases, its epidemic situation has received much attention.

What are the reasons for the increasing number of confirmed cases in Suifenhe? Where is the pressure for epidemic prevention? Is the most critical measure to improve nucleic acid detection capability? With these questions, the reporter interviewed Wang Yongping, deputy secretary and acting mayor of Suifenhe Municipal Party Committee.


Since April 7, Suifenhe Port Travel Inspection Channel has been temporarily closed. From April 7 to the present, the newly confirmed cases of overseas imports in Suifenhe continue to increase. What are the reasons?

Wang Yongping: Although the Suifenhe Port Travel Inspection Channel is temporarily closed, the number of newly diagnosed cases imported overseas continues to increase every day. There are three main reasons: 1. Some of the asymptomatic patients who are diagnosed are converted into confirmed patients; 2. Some suspected cases are converted into confirmed cases; 3. Confirmed patients appear in the existing centralized isolation personnel.


What is the main pressure for epidemic prevention now?

Wang Yongping: The current epidemic prevention pressure mainly comes from two aspects.

First, there is a serious shortage of centralized segregated hotels. At present, there are only 15 hotels in the city that meet the conditions of centralized segregation, and there are only 939 rooms in all. In recent days, the average daily number of inbound people has reached 178, bringing the pressure of prevention and control to the limit. Centralized isolation is a 14-day cycle, with an average of 178 people per day. One cycle requires more than 2,000 isolation rooms, which greatly exceeds the carrying capacity of Suifenhe.

The second is that there is a serious shortage of medical staff in the hotel. After the medical staff supporting Suifenhe arrived in Suifenhe, they implemented a four-shift work model. There are so many hotels that medical staff need to take turns, which makes the hotel resources that are already stretched out even tighter. At present, there are still some medical staff who have not implemented the rotation rest hotel.


Can the improvement of nucleic acid detection ability solve the current problem?

Wang Yongping: Not all. Among the several pressures we face, the lack of nucleic acid detection capacity is only one; the insufficient number of centralized isolation hotels is the second pressure; the third pressure is the lack of medical treatment capacity : we initially had only one SARS in 2003 The Suifenhe Infectious Disease Hospital built during the period had only 16 isolation wards.

With emergency support from provinces and cities, Suifenhe People's Hospital was converted into a special hospital for asymptomatic patients, with 300 beds. Three hundred beds are arranged in Kang'an Hospital of Mudanjiang City. As the regional critical care center, the Hongqi Hospital affiliated to Mudanjiang Medical College has set up 30 beds for critical care. We have only 630 bed capacity.

630 beds are obviously not enough, there is a big gap. In this process, Heilongjiang Province mobilized the province's medical and nursing forces to urgently support the treatment of new coronary pneumonia patients in Suifenhe and Mudanjiang.


For Suifenhe City, is the window period for temporarily closing the port travel inspection channel?

Wang Yongping: Yes.


During the window period, what kind of work did Suifenhe City do on non-proliferation?

Wang Yongping: At the beginning of the epidemic at the port, we took it very seriously. Most of the "nine strict and one guarantee" control measures we have formulated are aimed at internal non-proliferation and the bottom line.

For example, strict closed management of the community is implemented. By restricting the movement of personnel, especially the entry of people outside the community is strictly controlled to prevent the spread of infection in the city. The other is to strictly control the exit of the city and block the outbreak of the epidemic.

Producer 丨 Wang Shanshan, Zhang Ou, Wang Yuejun

Producer 丨 Wen Lu

Reporter 丨 Yang Yang Liu Qi

Edit 丨 Liu Qianshi Ruoyu Huang Yuqi