The new Corona Virus "Covid 19" is the first cause of death in the United States of America, as it kills 2,000 Americans every day, after it was third in the causes of death among Americans during the past week in rapid changes in the scene, according to the latest data issued by the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

To date, the number of infections in America has exceeded 550,000, and the virus has killed 21,733 people in America, most of them in New York with 6,898 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins Institute statistics.

Cases began to escalate since mid-March, and a series of emails sent by a number of experts from government agencies, health organizations and universities in America, titled "RED DAWN" or Red Dawn, exploded, which was considered a bomb that showed warnings calling for an alarm sent by experts in Early January about the devastating impact of the emerging corona virus.

Dr. James Lawler, who worked under President Obama and George W. Bush, mocked the government's huge shortfall, saying it was not just a bad flu season.

Experts in the series of 8 e-mails expressed their frustration with the slow response to the virus.

The letters show that the experts were aware of the country's threat of the virus and that the National Security Council office responsible for tracking epidemics had received reports in early January about the Corona virus and the report predicted the report the devastation the virus would inflict on the United States once it struck.

The report revealed that Donald Trump ignored the warnings and waited until March to implement measures to prevent the spread of the virus, including city closures.

On the other hand, Anthony Fossey, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the White House, said on Sunday morning that it would have been possible to save more lives if Donald Trump had started measures to stop the spread of the Corona virus before mid-March.

Fossey said that more measures could have been taken to slow the spread of the virus and reduce its consequences.

He noted that many reports indicate that intelligence officials have told the White House that there is a threat of the virus coming from China early in November, indicating that the president was known to have had Corona virus early.

Unemployment levels have reached their highest levels ever, with more than 15 million new requests for benefits filed in the past few weeks as unnecessary business closes and many companies go into rounds of layoffs.