While the fifth season of the "Bureau des légendes" has just been released, Florence Loiret-Caille, who plays Marie-Jeanne Duthilleul in the Canal + series, crosses her fingers to make her character part of the sixth season. "We tell ourselves that we haven't gone around yet, that we haven't finished yet," she said on Europe 1 on Sunday.


He is one of the key characters in the fifth season of the series The Office of Legends , broadcast since April 6. Marie-Jeanne Duthilleul is the former patron of the Bureau des légendes in the series of the same name. A character interpreted by Florence Loiret-Caille, invited Sunday on Europe 1. At the microphone of Bernard Poirette, she confided to hope to participate in the next season.

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"We are not immune to it"

"We tell ourselves that we have not yet gone around, that we have not yet finished," she said, in reference to the fifth season, which should be the last made by Éric Rochant. . "It was quite moving to finish filming with him. We had given everything."

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But Florence Loiret-Caille also wants to be fatalist. "I have confidence. If (Marie-Jeanne Duthilleul) disappears, that's how it is, it's her destiny. We are not immune to it," she said. The actress also seems to appreciate this suspense. "Each year, we wait for the scenarios and we discover what happens to our character," she explains. "The fact that it is kept secret puts us in a certain state," she continues, winking at the series. "It is as if we were going on a mission" but "we are not risking our lives".

The end of the adventure alongside Eric Rochant had already been outlined in the fifth season. The last two episodes of season 5 were indeed produced by Jacques Audiard, a monster of French cinema. Could he make the sixth season? Florence Loire-Caille is not convinced. "I don't think it's Jacques (Audiard) who is taking over. (...) I have no other info. I'm waiting for news from a source to find out who could possibly take over the more, "she reveals.

A bereaved team

If Jacques Audiard is chosen, Florence Loiret-Caille would however be delighted. "I like to say that Eric Rochant is more cerebral and that Jacques Audiard is more erotic", she summarizes. "He appropriated the narrative lines of the characters. I find that there was a difference in the way of filming and approaching the scenes," she said at last.

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For Florence Loiret-Caille, this season 5 is also marked by the loss of one of the team members. "I would like to dedicate this interview to our colleague from the Legends Office , friend and sound engineer who worked with us in Morocco. He died yesterday in intensive care following coronavirus. I would therefore like to tell everyone really to stay confined . "