Press reports revealed upcoming updates to the most popular instant messaging app in the world, "WhatsApp", which will include exceptional features, unprecedented.

And the "Windows Lightest" website published a report on the most prominent new features available through the beta version of "WhatsApp Beta" in the Android operating system.

These features are as follows:

1- Advanced search feature:

It is possible to search within chat messages more accurately and even about similar and different words in letters or gestures only, as well as search between media, images and even emoji.

2- Password:

WhatsApp Beta allows you to set a password to store backup copies of chats in the application in a confidential and personal way that no one can know, and cannot be registered on WhatsApp or Facebook servers.

3- Fix a malfunction:

The WhatsApp update also fixes a bug that some users lost from losing the application's media library.

4- Automatic download:

It is possible to download a new feature through which the media can be automatically downloaded from any chat, whether images, videos, documents, or sound for any account or person with an individual image, or disable this download as desired.