China News Network, Nanjing, March 21st: Behind the Popular Anti-epidemic Diary of China and Japan: Reasons for Japanese Takeuchi Ryo to Live in Nanjing

Reporter Shen Ran Ge Yong

Drones hovering in the air to remind citizens to keep their distance, new restaurant rules for one person to eat at one table, residential areas that can only be accessed after measuring body temperature ... Japanese Takeuchi Ryo, who has become a Chinese "net celebrity director", updates on Weibo With the English version of his latest "Nanjing Epidemic Prevention Site", enthusiastic netizens immediately added subtitles in various languages ​​to this short documentary and forwarded it to social platforms in various countries. With the worldwide epidemic of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, this Japanese-born epidemic film shot in Chinese cities has attracted thousands of netizens from all over the world.

After the short documentary "Nanjing Anti-epidemic Scene" hit the Internet between China and Japan, Takeuchi and his partners have started another video production on the epidemic. Photo by Ge Yong

The Japanese, who lives in Nanjing, China, "has never expected" that he will become a "celebrity" on the Internet in China and Japan. Because of the release of a "Nanjing epidemic prevention diary" short documentary called "Nanjing Epidemic Relief Site" on Japanese social platforms, Takeuchi received a large number of media interview requests from China, Japan, and other countries.

Takeuchi Ryo accepted an interview with reporters. Photo by Ge Yong

"At the peak, there are nine homes a day. We will try our best to meet the requirements of interviews. We also open the video for free. We hope that more people can see this Nanjing epidemic prevention video to increase vigilance and protection of the epidemic. Himself. "Takeuchi Ryo's wife Zhao Ping told reporters.

This is also the motivation for Takeuchi Ryohe's team to shoot, produce, and complete this short documentary in just three days. "I'm really anxious. The number of new infected people in Japan is increasing every day, but in my opinion, Japan The government ’s anti-epidemic measures are not in place, and the Japanese are not sufficiently protective, and do not have a sense of crisis. ”Takeuchi said helplessly,“ I hope the Japanese can see what the actual epidemic prevention and control on the streets of China looks like. ”

Takeuchi Ryo and Nanjing girl Zhao Ping met and married in Japan, becoming "Nanjing son-in-law". He made up his mind to develop in China. Photo courtesy

Uncle doorman holding a temperature gun, community volunteers on the streets and streets, contactless service in fast food restaurants, staff in isolation points, teachers in online classes ... There is no special person or place in the shot of Takeuchi. "All around The most familiar scene, because the places you can go to during the epidemic are very limited, and you can only take pictures on the way to and from work, restaurants where you eat frequently, and some people around you. "

The original intention of filming "Nanjing Anti-epidemic Scene" was to hope that the Japanese could see the various efforts made by the Chinese people to fight the epidemic. Photo courtesy

"During the production process, no evaluation or background music was added. I hope this is a message without a venue for Japanese reference. I don't want to suggest a 'copy job' because the situation in each country is not The same. "Takeuchi thinks, perhaps because of this, this short video that made it look" rude "not only appeared on the homepage of Yahoo Japan, the news section of almost all Japanese TV stations, but also attracted the attention of tens of millions of Japanese netizens and viewers. And hot discussion.

"A lot of feedback from Japan is sent to us every day, and most of them are surprising: Behind the declining number of infected people, Chinese cities have done so much meticulous work. But many Japanese also acknowledge that Japan can't do that. "Takeuchi admitted frankly.

At present, the Japanese version of the epidemic-resistant short documentary has been viewed more than 10 million times on Chinese Weibo alone, and Chinese netizens have reached over 140,000 likes. Takeuchi Ryo and his wife's "He Zhimeng Culture" production company, therefore "fired out of the circle."

Takeuchi hopes that the family of four will continue to work, study and live in Nanjing. Photo courtesy

This small company started in 2014 and started as a "mom-and-pop shop" and currently has more than 20 employees. As of March 19, 2020, it has produced and released 200 short documentaries called "Why I Live Here" . These short videos, which are more than ten minutes in length, mostly focus on Chinese people living in Japan and Japanese people living in China. They are very popular in the "circle" of Chinese netizens who study Japanese culture and Japanese. At the end of 2019, this small team of Chinese and Japanese people had held four-year touring fan meetings in four cities in China, and was ambitious for future development.

The latest video updates the status quo of China's urban resumption. Interviewee provided video screenshot

"It's my adventure to" stop life "in China." Takeuchi smiled. He was a documentary director in Japan. He made a decision to "go to China" shortly after falling in love with his wife. Despite the disapproval of his family, friends, and wife, and despite being "on track" in life in Japan, Keine Takeuchi never gave up on this decision and finally convinced his wife.

In 2013, Takeuchi and his wife came to his wife's hometown, Nanjing, to start a business from scratch. Here, the couple studied the Chinese market and decided to switch from low-profile short documentaries to large-scale television documentary productions that Takeuchi was familiar with.

Seven years have passed, and Takeuchi now appears to have made the decision successfully. "In China, the development of short video, Internet TV and self-media is so rapid and the market is so huge that it is unimaginable in Japan."

The video captures the most common epidemic prevention scenes on the streets of Nanjing. Interviewee provided video screenshot

"This is also a new opportunity and change for the unpopular content of the documentary." Takeuchi Ryo evaluates his "adventure career" from a professional perspective. "For example, during this epidemic, due to isolation requirements, we went online A variety of epidemic prevention videos shot by amateurs (ordinary people) around the world were collected and released through editing. This is impossible in the production of traditional documentaries. But with today's shooting technology and publishing platform, ordinary people use mobile phones You can also shoot great and beautiful content. "

Compared to Takeuchi Ryo ’s idealistic and adventurous spirit, as a mother of two children, wife Zhao Ping needs to consider more life pressures and company funding difficulties. "When the company was founded, we realized that For short videos from the media, it takes a lot of money to make money. "

The home scene during the epidemic prevention and control also introduced the actual situation in Takeuchi's own home. Interviewee provided video screenshot

Nevertheless, her husband wanted to pass the real Japanese and Chinese ideas to the people of the two countries. Zhao Ping agreed from the bottom of his heart. "Many years ago, I hosted a radio program in Nanjing that introduced Japanese culture and performance. Music information. Now it seems that we have jointly chosen the cause of cultural exchange, which can also be said to be the arrangement of fate. "

After more than five years of hard work, their company has initially realized "monetization", but the blow of the epidemic has forced many profitable projects to be cancelled. Like all small businesses facing difficulties, "Hezhimeng "Cultural companies" are also facing a crisis of survival.

The couple frankly hoped that this popularity would save this small company and allow their original intention to continue. As in the latest episode "The Reason I Live Here", Takeuchi and his wife insisted, "Someone asked us if the 200 episode" I Live "is over? There is no more material to do. But we still want to Keep shooting. "

"Because I want to live in Nanjing and live and work in China. People here, even after seven years of shooting, I still don't get tired of shooting. People in Nanjing are always tolerant to foreigners, including Japanese like me , Very enthusiastic, so natural and real in front of my camera, everyone ’s story is special, I have too much content to do. ”For the future, Takeuchi also has a reason to continue to“ live here ” ". (Finish)