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After 12 years on the air, the top 10 on Telecinco and the last two on Cuatro, Mujeres y Hombres and vice versa, have demonstrated their ability to adapt to the passage of time and circumstances. So, in the face of the coronavirus crisis and the danger of contagion among its contestants, the Mediaset dating program has decided to reinvent itself and, in the words of its presenter, Toñi Moreno, change the rules of the game.

This Monday began the broadcasts of the renamed The House of Women and Men and vice versa. The idea: to lock the tronistas and their suitors in a house, in the style of Big Brother , to be able to continue with the program without danger to them or to the space workers.

The chosen tronistas have been Álvaro , Nerea and Rubén , who will live with three suitors and four suitors, all together in the same house. Before entering her new home, which had previously been disinfected, a doctor received the tronistas and the suitors to examine them and take their temperature. And according to Moreno, all of them underwent medical tests to verify that they had not been infected with the virus and that they were healthy.

The coexistence began last weekend , coinciding with the declaration of a state of alarm by the government of Spain, and after 48 hours locked up this Monday they already had enough material for the broadcast. On set, Moreno and his four collaborators, Sofía Suescun, Kiko, Nagore Robles and Estela Grande, commented live on the first conflicts : from the usual jealousy between suitors to the initial distribution of beds. With this new format, the program will continue its daily broadcasts at 12.50 pm on Cuatro.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19

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